
Guy Tells Waiters It's His Date's Birthday Each Time They Eat And It's Cute AF

by Brenda Santana
Facebook/ @KevinFreshwater

Your birthday is a joyous day filled with presents, love, and birthday songs.

If you've been out to a restaurant, you know how fun (and kind of embarrassing) it can be when the entire restaurant surrounds you to sing happy birthday with a tiny cake at hand.

Now, imagine that embarrassment happening every single time you go eat at a restaurant.

Well, this is a reality for Instagram Model and Suicide Girl, Dannika Daisy.

Every time Dannika goes to a restaurant to eat with her friend — Instagram famous prankster — Kevin Freshwater, he tells them it's her birthday, which has resulted in viral internet gold.

We reached out to Dannika to verify if she and Kevin were more than just friends, but didn't get a response by the time of publication.

This is seriously a hilarious prank. You can see Dannika mouthing, "Again? It's not even my birthday," as she receives her cake. She's seemingly mortified, of course.

The clever prank video was posted to Instagram on June 29 and has already received over 100,000 views and countless comments.

Instagram user kajselius gives Kevin kudos for his prank saying "This is the nicest meanest thing I've seen," and I kind of agree.

But, hey, think about all the money you can save on desserts when you dine out if you just pretend it's someone's birthday. Plus, if you go Kevin's route, you can totally up your IG game with a funny prank video like his.

But it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Some users are accusing Kevin of wasting restaurant employees time and even accuse him of theft, by faking a birthday every time he goes out.

User lindahayy commented on the video saying "This is not cool, the waiters don't have time for this. Inconsiderate."

Whatever your opinion on this prank, you've gotta admit it's pretty funny... but please don't abuse the restaurant birthday system.

Happy birthday, Dannika.