Man Sent Revenge Porn Pictures Of Underage GF To Her FB Friends And DGAF
Yesterday, my friend asked me how my day was. I told her it was actually, "pretty good."
Work wasn't too bad, I had a nice haircut and I was on my way to a concert. Life was "pretty good." You know, I didn't win the lottery or anything, but things were going well. Just a nice day.
But that's just my definition of a "pretty good day." What's a "pretty good day" for a sociopathic pervert?
For creepazoid Sebastian Bickerton-King, a pretty good day can be defined as a day he doesn't have to go to jail for sending "revenge porn" pictures of his underage girlfriend to 500 of her friends and family.
No, seriously. He actually did that.
And then the judge actually spared him jail time. Then he actually tweeted this:
Today has been a pretty good day. Even tried to train the #TeamInstinct gym in Findern but my signal wasnt good enough :( — SMP #TeamInstinct (@SMPGaming) July 21, 2016
In case you are not sold on what a total and complete pervert this guy is, let me catch you up.
For starters, the 23-year-old shared the images with his 15-year-0ld girlfriend's family and friends as revenge for her attempting to end their online relationship. He did this despite the fact she said she would kill herself if he did so.
And believe it or not, it still gets creepier.
The Derby Crown Court was told that Bickerton-King had set up a fake Facebook account under the name of South Park character, Randy Marsh, and would keep the girl's indecent pictures in a computer file called "my slut."
He plead guilty to a string of child pornography charges, but managed to escape prison after the judge heard about how his life "revolved around the internet." Also, the judge accepted Bickerton-King genuinely believed that the girl was 16.
Then, he tweeted that pretty good day thing. Then, he started moving onto bigger problems like Pokémon Go.
In case you were wondering how his victim is doing, well, her days following the traumatic incident have not been "pretty good." No, in fact, they've been horrible.
In an impact statement read in court, she said,
Since the incident I have been left very depressed each time I talk about what has happened, I cry. I feel victimised, I still get horrible comments from people at school who saw the images. It has affected my confidence and my school grades are lower than they were, which I am concerned about. I had to seek counseling.
According to the prosecutor, Sarah Allen, the couple started their online relationship in early 2015, when he sent the girl a friend request. She claimed she was 16, and they promptly started exchanging explicit pictures.
According to Allen, it was pretty clear the girl was not comfortable sending him anymore by February 21, 2015.
After she blocked him on Facebook, he threatened, "I suggest you unblock me (from Facebook) if you don't want me to send them (the explicit images)." She texted him saying she would kill herself if he shared the photos with her friends.
But as we know, he sent them anyway. On February 23, he set up the fake Facebook account and proceeded to send the photos to 500 of the girl's friends and family.
He pleaded guilty to one count of inciting a child to engage in pornography, three counts of making indecent images, one of possessing indecent images and three counts of distributing indecent images of a child.
The judge, Judge Jonathan Bennett, gave him a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. He was also ordered to enroll in a three-year sex offenders' treatment program and a five-year sexual harm prevention order.
Citations: Pervert, 23, sent 'revenge porn' pictures of his underage girlfriend, 15, to 500 Facebook friends including her mother after collecting them in a computer folder called 'my sl*t' (Daily Mail)