
Google SHEEP View Is Here And You Won't Believe How Awesome It Looks


Finally, Sheep View 360 is here! Confused? Don't be. It does exactly what it sounds like, and aren't those always the best type of products?

Hover the Google Street View man over the Faroe Islands north of the United Kingdom and you'll find there's no way to enjoy its majestic scenery.

Upset about this, local Durita Dahl Andreassen took matters into her own hands.

She literally strapped a 360-degree camera to a sheep and sent it on a little adventure around the Faroe Islands. The results? Breathtaking landscapes and views Google can only dream of.

Durita explained in the video's caption,

I gently placed a 360-degree camera, powered by a solar panel, on the back of a sheep that would take photographs as the animal freely grazed the open hillsides of the Faroe Islands. Photos are then transmitted back to my mobile phone so that I can upload them to Google Street View myself, finally putting the Faroes on the map in a very unique way!

WOOP! Go Durita! BAAAAArilliant! idea. Here's how she did it.

She's got the hills covered, but now she's petitioning to get Google to come out and map the islands' roads.

Come on, Google, ewe haven't got much choice here, it's pasture time to get this done. (Hooray sheep puns!)

Citations: Faroe Islands fit cameras to sheep to create Google Street View (The Guardian), Petition: We Want Google Street View! (The Faroe Islands)