
Little Girl Is Devastated When She Finds Out Adam Levine Is Married (Video)

by Gillian Fuller

We always remember our first: Our first kiss, first love. But perhaps the strongest memory is that of our first heartbreak — that’s the first that sticks with us the most.

Little Mila just learned that truth the hard way.

The toddler was in the car with her mom, presumably daydreaming about her first love, Adam Levine (of Maroon 5 fame), when her mother broke the news: Adam Levine got married. To another woman.

And that’s when Mila’s heart broke for the very first time.

She cried, she screamed, she begged her mother to take it back, but to no avail: The damage had been done.

You can’t help but feel for this kid, ‘cause you know how bad it hurts. Poor lil’ nugget.

Watch the video, above, and send your love Mila’s way — she’ll be needing it.