
Everyone's Creeped Out By This Pic Of Donald And Ivanka Next To Birds Humping


I simply don't know where to begin deconstructing this old picture of Donald Trump and Ivanka next to two concrete parrots having sex.

The parrots? Maybe the parrots are a good place to start. Why are they humping? And why did these guys decide to perch on them? Seriously, out of all of the places to sit in the world, this has to be one of the most confusing.

Let's move on to the obvious sexual tension between father and daughter. Why is Ivanka on Donald's lap, cupping his face and staring deep into his soul? So many questions. Questions I'm not sure I want answers to.

Finally, let's talk about those shoes.

They make Donald look like the evil penguin guy from the old school "Batman Returns" movie.

Warner Bros

No socks as well -- what a trend setter. Trump was doing that before it was cool.

I'm not too sure where this picture came from, but let's keep it that way.

Something as harrowing as this needs to remain deep in the dusty archives of the World Wide Web.