
Doctor Tweets About Racism She Faces Regularly In The ER And It's Heartbreaking

by Brenda Santana

After the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past Saturday, racial tensions in the United States have been at an all time high. Aside from the trolls who've used social media to continuously perpetuate hate and intolerance, many have used social media as a platform to tell their stories. One story, in particular, has resonated with the world -- and it was bravely shared on Twitter.

The story belongs to Doctor Esther Choo who tweeted about racism in the ER. Choo sent a series of tweets out on Aug. 13 — following an insane weekend where white supremacists took the streets in Charlottesville to express their bigotry.

Her tweets tell the story about her experience as an Asian ER doctor working in an Oregon hospital. Choo talks about how many people refuse to be attended by her -- an experienced physician -- and would rather be seen by white interns or leave altogether, instead.

It's crazy to think people act this way in real life and it's even wilder to imagine people refusing medical attention from a professional just because of their skin color. Choo's tweets are important because they prove we still have a long way to go. See them below.

Choo's tweets have been met with words of encouragement and people sharing similar stories.

"I admire you for your grace and professionalism under the oddest of circumstances."

"This is astonishing. Thank you for sharing. And your approach is inspiring."

"I work at a VA hospital and we still have a few older Veterans that can't get past segregation."

Even Chelsea Clinton thanked Choo for sharing her story.

Choo's infuriating story is just one among thousands of untold stories. Hatred and intolerance must be stopped and the best way to try and put it to rest is by being vocal and sharing our stories.