This 'Dildo Drone' Is The Genius Product You Never Knew You Needed
You're gonna want to get your hands on a Dildo Drone.
"Hands-free" is a concept that hasn't gravitated over toward personal adult pleasure yet, which is criminal. The act of “parking your Buick in the convention center” is one of the few times you shouldn't have to deal with your hands at all.
You're probably alone during the act, which means you should be able to eat or send emails while it's happening, but currently you can't because your hands are occupied getting you “there.”
Thankfully, the imagineers at a place apparently called Dildo Everything have a solution. Sure, it involves four spinning turbines going dangerously close to your genitals, but so what? Go big or go home. You gotta take some risks to make some bacon -- OK, maybe that last one doesn't work here exactly, but just go with it.
Citations: Dildo drone will fly out of your crotch and into your heart (Mashable)