Here's Why Luke S. Chose To Leave 'The Bachelorette' During Week 4
Hannah Brown and her men left the mansion for a cross-country jaunt to Boston and Newport on Episode 4 of The Bachelorette, but this trip was more complicated than just parking the car at Harvard Yard. After being the target of Luke P.'s aggressive actions during a rugby group date, Luke S. wasn't thrilled, but fans had to wait a whole week before knowing how he dealt with these feelings. Why did Luke S. leave The Bachelorette? One of the season's most controversial contestants played a role in his decision.
For her group date in Newport, Hannah invited 13 men to see how they embraced their rougher sides while playing rugby. Having harmless but slightly painful fun is initially how the day panned out, but the tide shifted during the men's rugby match. Split into two teams, most contestants played as cautiously as you can during an already intense sport, but 24-year-old Luke P. took a more aggressive approach.
Playing almost manically, Luke worried the men about just how seriously he was taking Hannah's request for "blood, sweat, and tears." "I'm giving it all I got for Hannah," he told cameras. "I refuse to quit."
Luke even targeted 29-year-old political consultant Luke S. with enough force that Luke S. wouldn't accept his apology for the move (the exact moment occurred off camera). Luke S. later claimed that the other man body-slammed him, telling cameras that Luke P. was unstable. Thanks to Luke P.'s territorial tone toward Hannah, the men already weren't big fans of him, and his performance on this date didn't help.
At the post-date cocktail party, Luke P. spoke with Hannah, saying that the other Luke began cursing him out and trying to punch him. He also claimed that Luke S. never spoke about Hannah and was frustrated with him. Luke S. told things differently, focusing on Luke P.'s "glazed" look during the attack and how all of the men disliked him. Hannah asked him about Luke P.'s claims that Luke S. spoke more about his tequila business than Hannah, which Luke rebuked because this business supposedly hasn't even taken off yet.
When Luke S. tried to probe the incident again, Luke P. stuck to his excuse that he thought the other was going to attack him. Luke S. responded, "You misinterpreted that situation completely... It makes me so angry that I have to sit in there with a woman that I really, really like and defend myself over some garbage fed to her by some psychopath. I never want to see you again in my life."
The drama escalated before that week's rose ceremony when Luke S. realized he'd likely go home as a result of Luke P.'s lies. Hannah admitted to feeling irritated with both men, making Luke S. believe she was siding with the other Luke. He confronted him about Hannah not trusting him because of what Luke P. told her, but Luke P. then interpreted the men's advice to be truthful as telling Hannah that Luke S. asked him to put in a good word for him.
That brings us to Episode 5, which picked up with Hannah speaking to both men at once. She encouraged them to address each other about their issues, but Luke P. turned that opportunity into a confession that he didn't see Hannah with Luke S. As the men went back and forth at each other, Hannah left them, and Chris Harrison was sent in to call off the fight and prepare the men for the elimination ceremony.
Ahead of the ceremony, the men were clearly frustrated that Luke P. just didn't comprehend their complaints about his behavior. "It's just crazy how quickly things have changed for the worst," Luke S. told cameras.
Before Hannah could give out a single rose, Luke S. asked to speak to her. "I'm really sorry if I caused you any pain, but it's been hard for me to defend my character," he told her, asking her to look out for warning signs from others. With that, he chose to walk away on his own terms. But will this be the only time Luke P.'s actions drive another man to elimination?
Season 15 of The Bachelorette continues at 8 p.m. ET on Mondays on ABC.