Why A Solo Birthday Trip Is The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

by Ciara Johnson

Go shorty, it's your birthday! Your birthday is the biggest day of every year, and there's no right or wrong way to celebrate it. Some people prefer to party it up on their birthdays, while others opt for a more low-key plan. Some would rather stay home, while others prefer to catch a flight to celebrate. Either way, it's important to embrace the moment any way you wish, even if that means you'd rather do it alone. Many might wonder who would ever want to spend their birthday solo, but it's perfectly acceptable. Here's why a solo birthday trip is the best gift you can give yourself.

When most people think of their birthday, they imagine being surrounded by family and friends. Shared celebrations are wonderful, but solo birthday trips can be just as fun. Solo travel has become really popular within recent years because people are starting to realize that self-care is absolutely necessary. Being alone isn't the same as being lonely, and it can for some actually be more exciting than being in a social setting.

You never know until you give it a go, and a solo birthday trip might be the best way to start. There's no better way to treat yo' self while discovering a new destination at the same time. May you have an unforgettable birthday!

01You'll Benefit From Some Alone Time

Pietro Karras/Stocksy

When was the last time you spent quality time with yourself? A solo birthday trip is the perfect plan for the girl who is ready for some soul-searching and in need of a change.

This trip can be all about self-care practices like massages and flower baths. Alternatively, this trip can be the perfect opportunity for you to reflect on the past year, and provide time to plan out all of your goals for this new chapter.

Celebrate your birthday by celebrating yourself. After all, you deserve it!

02You'll Do You, Boo

MEM Studio/Stocksy

It's your birthday, so you can do what you want to! Aren't birthdays all about treating yourself?

The best thing about a solo birthday trip is that you can truly indulge in all of your greatest pleasures. You won't have to change your plan for anyone else's schedule or tastes. This may sound a bit selfish, but sometimes, it's necessary — especially on your birthday. This birthday trip will give you the much-needed time and space to rediscover your interests, desires, and self.

03You'll Welcome Newness Into Your Life

Ruth Black/Stocksy

Birthdays can be bittersweet. For some people, birthdays provide a moment to appreciate how far they've come. For others, birthdays are a time to plan where you want to go.

It may feel scary to know that time is flying, so a solo trip is an exciting way to embrace that chance. A solo birthday trip will help you establish a clear distinction from one age to the next.

As you savor new foods and meet new people miles away from home, you'll prove to yourself that you're making a deliberate decision to step into the unknown and give change a chance. As you navigate new destinations and experiences alone, you'll learn that you're capable of more than you ever imagined. You go, girl.