The Man In Black's Daughter Reveals 'Westworld' Season 2 Details & It's A Lot To Handle
Sunday night's episode of Westworld ended with a statement so short that you might have missed it: "Hi, dad." A simple greeting usually isn't so dramatic, but when the Man in Black and his mysterious daughter, Emily, are concerned, it definitely is. Who is Emily on Westworld? The HBO drama finally revealed the identity of Rajworld's unnamed woman, and now my head is spinning with ideas about this father-daughter duo.
Fans first met Emily (played by Katja Herbers) in the third episode of Season 2, "Virtue e Fortuna," in Rajworld, the park designed to resemble colonial India. At the time, she was clearly searching for something — likely something that had to do with the hexagonal map she kept referencing — but her hunt was suddenly halted when the hosts gained consciousness and attacked the guests. Emily (or "Grace," as HBO called the character in Herbers' casting announcement) narrowly escaped, but her good luck ended when she washed up at the feet of Ghost Nation warriors.
In Sunday night's episode, "The Riddle of the Sphinx," fans saw the continuation of Emily's story and finally learned a few things about her. First, she's been in the park long enough to learn the Ghost Nation's language. I'm not sure how long is takes to learn Ghost Nation-ese, but I'm assuming it takes a very long time. Second, she's not looking to leave the park any time soon, which she tells another Ghost Nation prisoner, Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth).
Emily manages to break free from captivity (and doesn't bother saving Stubbs, so sorry, dude), and by the end of the episode, she's found a horse and is riding around the park aimlessly. Cue the episode's final minute: The Man in Black, also riding around aimlessly, rides to the crest of a hill, where he runs into Emily. "Hi, dad," says Emily. He stares, then the screen cuts to black. Such drama!
For a show light on reveals, this one was huge. But who exactly is Emily, apart from being the Man in Black's daughter? Herbers weighed in on the question and revealed some important Season 2 details, and now my head is spinning even more. In Season 1, the Man in Black revealed that he has a daughter, but they don't get along because she blames him for her mother's suicide. According to Herbers, this incident — which we saw a very, very small part of via flashback in "Riddle of the Sphinx" — has become a fundamental part of Emily's identity:
That's what I went into the park with: to confront him with what I now understand he did ... I'm on a mission. I want to find my father and I want to talk to him. And I think I probably haven't seen him since my mom died, and there's a world of stuff to talk about.
Well, you've found him, Emily, so now what? Maybe she will help her father get to the bottom of Ford's mysterious game (and if she does, will she finally explain what the game is all about to Westworld's confused fans?). Maybe things will take a turn for the worst and she'll kill her father — he did say that some people shouldn't live forever.
Whatever happens over the course of Season 2, Herbers promises that the story line will reveal a lot about both Emily and the Man in Black:
We're definitely going to see them talk and reckon with the fact that her mom is gone. I think she needs her father, now that she doesn't have her mom anymore. She needs an explanation for things. She needs to get to know her dad. I think she wants to know what he does in that park ... I'm going to find out who he really is, I guess, and who I am in the park — like everyone does.
If Emily is finally the thing to make the Man in Black's story line entertaining, so be it. His long-winded philosophical discussions with hosts are fine, but I can only take so much of his never-ending maze obsession. Dude, there are way bigger things happening around you! Hopefully, Emily will finally ground the Man in Black and make him explain the connection among Westworld's various plot lines. Because if we're being honest, Westworld fans just want "an explanation for things," too.