
Millennial Pink Cheese Exists & It Tastes Like Prosecco, So Cheers To That

by Macy Daniela Martin

During my hungriest moments browsing my local Whole Foods' cheese section, I've never encountered a cheese as pretty as The Great British Cheese Company's Wensleydale With Raspberry & Prosecco. The company known for its award-winning products has blessed the world with where to buy prosecco-flavored cheese of dreams, and it deserves a resounding cheers.

First spotted by Pretty 52, the two-toned cheese looks as though it was made for Instagram with a waxy hot pink outer shell and a pale pink, super soft center. According to The Great British Cheese Company's website, it has a bit of sweetness from the raspberry and a bit of sharpness from the prosecco, giving it a well-rounded flavor you'll want to slather on everything from crackers to fruit. The Great British Cheese Company recommends the stunner for "anyone with a sweet tooth." For those unfamiliar with Wensleydale cheeses in general, they're popular around this time of year. The pink cheese creators describe them like this:

Wensleydale has a supple and crumbly texture and a milky freshness, paired with fruit such as Cranberries, the acidity cuts through rich cheese resulting in a balanced flavour.

Wesleydale With Cranberries is actually a popular Christmastime cheese, and The Great British Cheese Company says their Wensleydale With Raspberry & Prosecco has comparable notes. They wrote in the product's description online,

Paring Prosecco and Raspberry with Wensleydale produces similar savory, sweet and acidic flavor combinations.
The Great British Cheese Company

Plus — allow me to reiterate — it is SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.

The Great British Cheese Company's Wensleydale With Raspberry & Prosecco is just the brand's latest addition to its innovative line of truckles. (Other flavors include Peri Peri Cheddar, Sticky Toffee Tastic, and Cheddar With Chili & Lime. NOM.) A spokesperson for the cheese company responsible for every millennial's dream cheese told Pretty 52,

This year, we decided to make a new flavored cheese creation to add to our range of flavored Waxed Cheese Truckles ... Crumbly but milky Wensleydale, sweetness from Raspberries and the acidity from Prosecco produces a creamy but sweet raspberry flavoured cheese, with the Prosecco acidity cutting through your palette as you taste the cheese.

If, like me, you're ready to purchase a lifetime supply of The Great British Cheese Company's Wensleydale With Raspberry & Proscecco, I have a bit of sad news: At the time of writing, the genius product is currently listed as "Out of Stock" online. You can sign up for the company's mailing list to be notified when they're back and ready to order. Once they're back, expect to pay about $5.90 (£4.50) per truckle. To get more bang for your buck, you can purchase one of The Great British Cheese Company's "deal" sets. There's the Three Cheese Deal ($17.03 or £13) or the Six Cheese Deal ($28.82 or £22), and you can mix and match any of their truckles. (Might as well order them all, right?)

Anyway, somehow the Wensleydale With Raspberry & Proscecco doesn't have any reviews yet, but you cannot go wrong. Even if you're not a sweet cheese person, do it for the 'gram, y'all. Your grid needs a photo of pink cheese. It just does. To ensure you snap the perfect shot of your new favorite cheese, now's the time to brush up on your smartphone photography skills. Remember: Always clean your lens before you start shooting and — even though it might seem weird at first — embrace negative space. Let that pink cheese shine, you guys!

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