'Supergirl' Is Taking A Holiday Break, But It'll Be Back Faster Than The Speed Of Light
Happy ho-ho-holidays, my fun and festive folks. Let me begin by saying I think the holiday is season is just great. Gingerbread, egg nog, Christmas movies... what's not to like? That being said, there is one major downfall to the holiday season that any television addict has to suffer through every year: the dreaded holiday break. You know what I'm talking about — the six or so weeks during the holiday season where most major television shows go on hiatus ~usually~ leaving us hanging, trying to solve some huge cliffhanger. Sadly, The CW's Supergirl is no exception, so, naturally, we're wondering: When does Supergirl return from its holiday break?
Well, take a deep breath and think happy thoughts, y'all, because it looks like Supergirl will be gone for six full weeks. That's right, we'll have to suffer through six weeks with no new episodes, leaving us to wonder what the hell is going to happen next with Kara in her battle with Reign. The mid-season finale, appropriately titled "Reign," will air on December 4 and then we'll be waiting until January 15 for the season to pick back up. I'm sure the wait will be worth it when the show returns in 2018, though.
In the meantime, while we anticipate Supergirl's winter hiatus, it seems like the perfect time to talk about what's going to happen right before the mid-season finale and to catch up on what the hell has been going down since Season 3 premiered early in October.
As for what we can expect to see on the December 4 episode titled "Reign," here is the official synopsis:
Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) investigates a mysterious symbol popping up all over National City, tracing its origins back to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign (Odetee Annable). Meanwhile, the tension between Lena (Katie McGrath) and Morgan Edge (guest star Adrian Pasdar) continues to build, causing James to step in and offer up some protection, and possibly igniting a spark in the process.
Of course, this is only a surface synopsis, but it already sounds suspenseful. I'm sure the episode will be packed with plenty of twists that will leave us all wondering what will happen next.
Obviously, if the title of this episode is any indication, Reign is going to be a pretty important character and, to be honest, she'll most likely making up much of the conflict for the rest of Season 3.
That's OK, though; anyone who has been watching Supergirl since the beginning is no stranger to conflict. Indeed, Season 3 has been filled with plenty of drama, thrills, and suspense and, from what we've seen, it's only getting more intense.
It all started out with Kara dealing with the loss of Mon-El by focusing all her energy on being the best Supergirl she could be and a new threat facing National City. For a while, it seemed like Psi would be the villain to focus on this season, but it looks like she was just the beginning for Supergirl. Fast-forward seven episodes to Barry and Iris's wedding where sh*t really hit the fan, forcing Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, and White Canary to team up with Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West, and Alex Danvers to take on some seriously dark villains, and you've got one hell of a dramatic fall season.
If all of that is just the first half of the season, then I can't imagine how crazy the second half will be. I guess all that's left to do is enjoy this next episode and then wait patiently for January 15.
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