
Arie & Lauren Shared An Emotional Video From Their Wedding On YouTube

by Kristen Perrone
YouTube / Zeb Films

It's been too long since Bachelor Nation was treated to a beautiful wedding celebrating a couple who met outside the Los Angeles mansion amidst an endless lineup of Bachelor contestants. The start of their post-Bachelor relationship had a rocky start, but Arie and Lauren Luyendyk proved any haters wrong when they married in early 2019 and later welcomed a daughter together. Their big day wasn't filmed for ABC, but this video from Lauren and Arie's wedding will definitely help fans feel like they were there. Grab a rose-scented tissue before watching — you're going to need it.

After Season 22 of The Bachelor portrayed their relationship as exchanges of "Wow" and "I like that," Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham initially parted ways in the season finale. Arie proposed to Becca Kufrin, but weeks after filming wrapped, he ended their relationship to pursue Lauren. Seeing as he did all of this with Bachelor cameras in tow, fans didn't take this breakup too well at the time, but Arie and Lauren have proven to have a strong, lasting relationship away from the limelight.

They married in Maui on Jan. 12, 2019, and Lauren gave birth to their daughter Alessi Ren on May 29. Although plenty of wedding pictures hit the internet back in January, the new parents have just released a professional video of their special day, and it's seriously a Pinterest fantasy come to life. Excuse me while I stow away this video for future wedding day reference.

Shot by Zeb Films, the highlights reel includes the weekend's pre-wedding activities and the pair getting ready for the ceremony separately. You can also watch Arie and Lauren exchanging vows and listening to their friends and family's reception toasts before hitting the dance floor with their guests. Bonus points for you if you can pick out all of the Bachelor alums who attended the festivity.

The video even offers peeks at their venue's gorgeous decor, which was inspired by Bella and Edward Cullen's wedding in Twilight: Breaking Dawn — Part 1. I guess the bride, formerly known as Lauren B., is just as much of a Twilight fangirl as the rest of us, right?

You may ooh and ah over the details, but hearing Arie and Lauren's vows will definitely stir up all of your Bachelor feels. In a ceremony officiated by franchise host Chris Harrison, the former Bachelor told Lauren, "For as long as we both shall live, I will put you and our marriage first. For the past year, I've dreamt of this day. I've pictured you walking towards me down that aisle, and you're even more beautiful standing here than I could have ever imagined ... I am the best version of myself because I am with you."

In the words of Lauren...

Lauren's vows were just as sentimental, as she tearfully paused only a sentence into her speech and said, "Thought I'd last longer than that." When she mustered up the strength to continue, she told Arie, "You are everything I've ever wanted and everything I needed without even knowing."

Now knowing that the couple is settling into life with a newborn, it's amazing to realize that fans have watched Arie and Lauren reach so many milestones together. Congrats again to the happy couple!

Season 15 of The Bachelorette continues at 8 p.m. ET on Mondays on ABC.