Ariana Grande Got A Hand Tattoo That Is Seriously So Beautiful
If there's one thing pop star Ariana Grande is good at, it's getting beautiful ink. OK, fine, if there's one thing she's good at, it's obviously singing, but she's pretty stellar in the tat department, too. So, after it was announced that Grande is Billboard's Woman of the Year, she celebrated in the only way she knows how: by getting tatted up by her go-to tattoo artist, Mira Mariah. Her new tattoo is probably the largest one we know of to date, but it's so beyond lovely that there's no way you could appreciate it if it were any smaller. You have to check out the photo of Ariana Grande's new hand tattoo in order to understand what I'm talking about.
Before we show off Grande's new ink though, let's just give her some praise for her excellent speech after she was given the Woman of the Year award. It was incredibly emotional, and there was presumably not a dry eye in the house (including Grande herself, who was driven to tears as well). She revealed that she felt "completely undeserving" of the Woman of the Year title, but then went into a powerful monologue that was worthy of its own award.
"I find it interesting that this has been one of the best years of my career and the worst of my life," she said. "A lot of people would look at someone in my position right now as an artist that could be at her peak and think, 'She’s really got her sh*t together, she's really on it. She’s got it all.' And I do, but as far as my personal life goes, I really have no idea what the f*ck I’m doing."
She laughed, but then told the audience, "It's been a very conflicting one, and I just want to say if you're someone out there who has no idea what this next chapter is going to bring, you’re not alone in that."
She ended her speech on a beautiful note:
I look forward to hopefully learning to give some of the love and forgiveness that I've given away so frivolously and easily to men in the past to myself, hopefully, this year. I have everything I've ever dreamt of having, and as of late I've discovered that it's the things I've always had and the people I've always had that still make me the happiest.
You go, girl.
Then, just hours after the show, Grande posted a photo on her Instagram showing off her new tattoo. On her hand, she has a beautiful outline of a moon, a sun, and scattered stars:
Tattoo artist Mira Mariah (who also gave Grande her worker bee and Spirited Away tattoos), posted an even clearer picture of the tattoo to her Insta, and it honestly took my breath away:
Is that not beyond gorgeous?
And, fun fact: Grande's grandmother, Marjorie, got her very first tattoo at 93 years old on her finger alongside her granddaughter, officially making her the coolest grandma in the entire universe.
In case you were wondering, Marjorie, aka "Nonna" got her late husband's nickname "Ciccio" on her ring finger. Equal parts bad*ss and precious.
Basically, this settles the debate of who is the coolest family on the planet. Good job, Nonna. And good job, Ari, for being an excellent example of what the Woman of the Year should embody.