These Hilarious "In My Feelings" Challenge Fails Are The Funniest Thing You'll See All Week
Lip sync and dance challenges have been a steady part of pop culture for some time now. But there’s a new one that’s taking social media by storm and producing some of the best, most hilarious fails you’ll ever see in your life. Of course, I’m talking about the In My Feelings challenge where fans of Drake do a dance now known as "the shiggy" to his popular song "In My Feelings." The challenge has people all over the world acting wild and doing some incredibly silly stuff. You know, like stepping out of a moving car to dance. As expected, a lot can go wrong when people are jumping out of moving cars to film a video, and these antics are getting lots of attention on the Internet. Now, tons of “In My Feelings” challenge video fails are going viral.
From missing a train stop to falling face first into a pool, Drake fans are making total fools of themselves while taking on this challenge. And I mean that in the best way possible. These Drake fans are having fun and the fact that they're tripping up a bit makes this challenge even more fun than it already way!
So, naturally, I’ve compiled a nice, long list of the most hilarious "In My Feelings" Challenge fails I could find on social media. And let me tell you, there are a lot of... interesting videos out there. People are literally tripping over themselves for the sake of this challenge. There’s no shame in their game, either. They’re just having fun and making people laugh.
Like this girl, who is an actual dancer and was showing everyone exactly how it's done until... the very end:
And this poor guy who was doing it up right before he was left behind by his driver right in the middle of his dance. Cruel, but also really, really funny!
Yikes! This person took a tumble when they were trying to smoothly exit their car.
With so many fans doing the challenge right now, people are starting to get really creative about how they make their videos.
For instance, these two friends faked a carjacking while Drake’s hit was playing in the background. It's only slightly cringe-worthy.
Sometimes, though, it’s not even the person’s fault that they fail. It’s someone else who’s screwing things up. This hilarious video is a prime example:
The “In My Feelings” challenge is gaining so much traction that even news anchors are attempting to do it. And failing. They’re failing ...miserably. Have a look:
So, what have you learned here today? If you’ve learned anything at all, it’s that hopping out of a moving car to dance to a Drake song is really dangerous. But it can also be really entertaining. That is, if you’re one of those people who loves to laugh at other people’s fails.
Video fails aside, though, some of the people doing this challenge are really, really good. They’re so creative and bring such a sense of joy and passion to their dancing. If you have the time to peruse the plethora of “In My Feelings” challenge videos on social media, do it! You’re bound to find some incredible stuff.