These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best November & They're Ready For It
Hello, November. Is that really you? Wow. I really can't help but feel like the last few months of 2018 are flying by; however, for those of you wondering, these three zodiac signs will have the best November 2018: Cancer, Leo, and Sagittarius. Now, by no means am I upset to say goodbye to this brutal AF year, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone here. I kid you not, the amount of anxiety I had last year on New Year's Eve was beyond overwhelming. I am no guru, trust me, but I think my physical body was trying to warn me of what was to come. I still remember looking at the clock, dreading the sound of the crowds once the clock struck 12, and here we are. It's the second to last month of 2018, and we are good as new.
There's a lot happening with the cosmos this month, and we're about to feel some serious shifts. Bad news first: Mercury goes retrograde on the same day that Venus goes direct. I know, can Mother Nature give us a break already? I swear, I laughed to myself when I saw that. What are the odds, that after a pretty rough Venus Retrograde, we are forced to experience yet another retro cycle, with no breaks in between? I say we all do a rain dance for the gods. I'm totally serious. On a brighter note, lucky Jupiter will enter its home sign on Nov. 8, for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter is often referred to as the Great Benefic, as it is the planet of luck, abundance, spiritual healing, higher learning, and philosophy. This planet is a total pick-me-up, especially for you, Sagittarius!
Which reminds me, here's why Cancer, Leo, and Sagittarius will most likely have the best November ever:
Cancer: You're Thriving In Your Day-To-Day
Woohoo! The sun is in Scorpio, aka your sister sign, and it's shedding its light over your fun-filled fifth house of romance, play, and creative expression until Nov. 22. However, that's not even the best part. On Nov. 8, lucky Jupiter enters Sagittarius, and your practical sixth house of health, work life responsibility, and daily routine. This energy is so so helpful, as it will bring abundance and prosperity to all of your hard work, and most importantly, your well-being. Warning: Mercury will retrograde in Sagittarius, and this area of your chart, on Nov. 16. Make sure you read the fine print during this time, Cancer. Mercury in Sagittarius tends to be a little sloppy, as well as a procrastinator, but you've got this. The secret is to be prepared. Other than that, you're golden.
Leo: You're Feeling Like Yourself Again
Come out of your shell, Leo! Scorpio season is almost over, and I know you can already feel it. Plus, Jupiter slides into Sagittarius, and your fifth house of fun, romance, and creative expression on Nov. 8. THIS IS GOING TO BE AMAZING. Oh, and Sagittarius is your sister sign, so not only will you feel Jupiter's blessings in your creative zone, you will feel this energy at a core level, too. What I love most about this is, the fifth house belongs to you, hence the over-the-top sassy performance vibes. That said, if you're about to launch an art project, or perhaps looking to find romance, this is your year. Your creative juices will be flowing, and your dazzling charisma will be hard to ignore. Go and show the world what you're made of, Leo babe.
Sagittarius: Jupiter Is On Your Side
Hello, you world traveler, you. Are you ready to celebrate your solar return? Actually, better yet, are you ready to take a journey of a lifetime with your ruling planet Jupiter? Oh, Sagittarius! I hope you know how special this transit will be for you. For the next 13 months, the planet of luck, abundance, and expansion, will shower you with infinite blessings. It will make space for you in the areas you need it the most, and it will most likely fuel your wanderlust, and gift you with a trip or two... or three! The sun will join Jupiter, as it enters your sign on Nov. 22; however, make sure you finalize your travel plans before Mercury stations retrograde. The messenger planet goes retrograde on Nov. 16, and in your sign, so make sure you double and triple-check your travel itinerary. Happy birthday!