
The 'Westworld' Finale Post Credits Sequence Left Fans In Complete Shock & I'm Not OK

by Ani Bundel

Westworld's Season 2 finale was 90-minutes long, literally the same length as the original 1973 film. HBO has advertised episodes of Game of Thrones as being long, but most of the time they don't take up much space, with the show running maybe 10 minutes into the allotted extra 30. Not Westworld. They were so determined not to cede their time, they even threw in a post-credits sequence like this was a Marvel movie. But the reveal in the Westworld finale post-credits sequence was big enough to warrant a stand-alone scene outside of the series' finale. Warning: Spoilers for Westworld Season 2 finale follow.

Last week, fans were devastated when William shot his own daughter, Emily, in cold blood. He believed she wasn't real and refused to listen to her insistence otherwise. He didn't stop to make sure she was a host before shooting her. He just assumed, only to realize after he'd murdered his only child.

He so desperately wanted it not to have happened he even took a bowie knife to his arm and began digging around for a host "quick port" in hopes of proving none of this was real.

No such luck, it seemed. When Dolores found him, she sneered at him for questioning the nature of his reality, and then proceeded to take him prisoner.

To say William was having a bad day would be an understatement. But that's nothing compared to what happened at the end of the episode.


The last viewers see William, he's following Dolores and Bernard's path into the Forge, presumably to find them and help Dolores destroy it. But fans never see him arrive at his destination. Instead, Bernard shoots Dolores and leaves the Forge alone. The next time William turns up, it's at the end of the hour, lying on the beach, a "high value" survivor.

Then the credits rolled.

When they ended, William was still in the elevator, traveling down into the Forge where... Emily was waiting for him.

William immediately jumps to the conclusion he wanted to believe since she died. He's already inside a simulation. He's a host, none of any of this is real, and he is somewhere in the Forge.

But Emily tells him no. The system is "long gone." This is not a simulation. This is what's left of "his world."

Emily leads him into a room, not unlike the one they kept the James Delos' host in and begins, once again, to conduct the tests viewers saw young William performing on his father-in-law back in episode 4. She is testing, like he was, for fidelity.

Is this a host version of William, set far in the future, a test the Delos corporation is running independently of the park, still, after all these years? It seems so. But then how is Emily the one doing the testing? After all, she's dead.


But then again, so was Logan, and he was the fidelity test for his father inside the Forge.

Here then, we have both Delos and William being fidelity tested by their children. Logan revealed to Bernard and Dolores in the Forge his father's cornerstone, the moment he returned to and lived again and again in every simulation model, was the moment where he walked away from Logan's plea for help: His moment of deepest regret.

Is this what William has been living inside the park? His storyline is oddly offset from the action taking place, in both seasons. The first season, viewers assumed it was to keep them from figuring out there were two timelines until the end. But in Season 2 he's also been off on his own track. Is this because he's reliving his own cornerstone, his killing of Emily, his deepest regret?

How will this new timeline in the future play into Westworld Season 3? It's going to be a long wait until fans find out.