This is us

The 'This Is Us' Episode 16 Promo Sets Up A Kevin & Randall Showdown

by Ani Bundel

This Is Us Season 4 continues the slow burn to a family fracture for the ages. With only three more episodes left this season, fans are on pins and needles, knowing that Season 5 will begin with Kevin and Randall no longer on speaking terms. But so far, each turning point where the family could shatter, it hasn't. Now, the This Is Us Season 4, Episode 16 promo looks to be throwing more fuel on the fire on the way to an earth-shattering (or at least Pearson-shattering) finale. Warning: Spoilers for This Is Us Season 4 follow.

Episode 15, "Clouds," ended with the reveal of Rebecca's diagnosis: Mild Cognitive Impairment and "hippocampal atrophy," both of which point to the beginnings of Alzheimer's. This kind of bombshell would shake any family, no matter how close. But in this case, it has extra resonance. All three Pearson children spent their lives idolizing their late father, but it's Rebecca who has held the family together for all these decades. All three are going to want what's best for their mother, as they face the reality of losing her.

But they're not all going to agree on what "best for Rebecca" looks like. And they're not going to see eye-to-eye on who gets to make that call. In the promo for Episode 16, "New York, New York, New York," those differences are going to start fights.

As usual, the synopsis gives little away:

The Pearsons visit New York City.

But luckily, the executive producers for This Is Us were a little more forthcoming. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, producer Isaac Aptaker revealed the triple "New York" in the title is deliberate. This week will have more than Kevin and Rebecca going to his movie premiere in the present day. There's two other trips to the big city that will be interwoven with it.

Our next episode, we took the show to New York to film in the freezing cold, 20-degree February nights, which people were excited about and also dreading a little bit. [Laughs] But it came out incredibly special and was totally worth it. There’s a very cool story in three different timelines where various groupings of our Pearsons head to the Big Apple.

Fans know the present-day story in New York City, but what could the other two be? Will viewers finally see Kevin and Sophie's married life in New York as he struggles to make it big? Could fans even see the first step to their eventual divorce? If so, there may be more than one explosion coming up on This Is Us.