The Best Kardashian Quotes To Go On Your Graduation Cap That Will Make You Yell "Okurrr!"
If you're graduating college or even grad school this year, there's a good chance that you were at quite the impressionable age when Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered in 2007. Whether you've stayed loyal to that weekly hour of Kardashian family antics throughout the years or only tuned in when a sister was getting married and subsequently divorced, we all know one or two solid quotes from this wacky clan that sum up our definitions of life. What better way to commemorate all that the Kardashian-Jenner women (and occasionally Scott Disick) have taught us than to include their quotes in your graduation celebrations? We've gathered some of the best Kardashian quotes to go on your graduation cap and give you inspiration on how to live it up on your big day.
When it comes to decorating your cap, there are so many different directions you can take. You can choose a downright inspirational quote or take a lighter route and become the stuff of memes on your big day. Luckily, the Kardashians' conversations on TV range from insightful to insane, so they'll cover any bases you want to touch at your graduation ceremony.
"You have your whole life to be old, but you only have a few years to be young."
Leave it to Khloé to hit the theme of college right on the head. Her quote about growing up is almost too real for graduation, but if you still plan on channeling your inner Peter Pan by the time you walk onstage, this little nugget might be perfect for you.
"If that's what makes you happy and what tickles your nuts, go for it."
As an oldest sister, I relate to Kourtney's dry wit way too much. This quote sums up Kourtney's own sense of humor pretty darn well, so if you count her as your spirit animal, time to grab a glitter pen and get to work.
"It's your life. It's not about what other people think."
This saying encapsulates the exact essence of what the Kardashians are. They may poke fun at themselves among each other, but they're going to keep giving their kids ridiculous names and releasing odd-sounding beauty products regardless of what the public thinks. If you relate to that, include this reminder on your cap.
"Let you validate and accept your own version of happiness."
This is a lengthy one, but if I managed to squeeze a Shakespeare quote onto my cap, you can fit in this one, which originally appeared on Khloé's Instagram. If there's anyone who has learned to be happy in the worst of times, you need not look further than Khloé's baby daddy drama with Tristan Thompson. Girlfriend can definitely see the sunny side of things in the worst of times.
"'Ambitious' is my middle name."
If you want random classmates tapping you on the shoulder in the middle of your graduation ceremony to scream, "Yas, queen!" at you, this Kim-ism is the answer.
"You've got to just do what's right for you."
Whether you want to fit in the entirety of Kim's original tweet or just the abbreviated version, her musing is perfect for that mindset of alleviating the stress of college. You won't always travel with a squad now that you're out of school, so now is the time to chase down any dreams you were afraid to share with friends beforehand.
"I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others."
Is there anything more Kim Kardashian than this? Inevitably, you'll always make your own mistakes and have to learn from their consequences, but it is wise to look toward like-minded people for guidance on how to achieve your goals.
"I'd like to work as little as possible and make as many dollars as possible."
Only those with a well-publicized sense of humor can probably get away with using this Scott quote, but doesn't it capture what we all secretly want in life just a wee bit?
"Be faithful in little things."
Whether it's getting the briefest chance at your dream job or receiving a text from an old friend, learn to smile at the little things that pop up in your life. In the grand scheme of things, they may not matter, but they're the special elements that make the everyday life in college worth it.
"See ya when I see ya, bitch."
It's upsetting to think that you don't know when you'll next see some of your college friends, but using this is a fun and light way to keep smiling amidst the high emotions of graduation day.
So, on the big day, will you be a Khloé, Kourtney, or Kim?