Sophie Turner & Jonathan Van Ness Had The Most Extra Reactions To Meeting Each Other
Sansa Fierce, meet Gay of Thrones. One of Jonathan Van Ness' dreams came true at the MTV Video Music Awards on Monday, Aug. 26: He met Sophie Turner. Before Van Ness was one of Fab Five on Queer Eye, he had a Funny Or Die show called Gay of Thrones where he would recap the most recent episode of Game of Thrones while styling someone's hair. He had funny nicknames for every character on the show, and Sansa Stark's was Sansa Fierce. Turner is apparently equally as obsessed with JVN, given Sophie Turner and Jonathan Van Ness' reactions to meeting each other at the MTV Video Music Awards. Thank god this was caught on video, y'all.
The moment was brought to the internet via Entertainment Tonight. The outlet posted the video on Aug. 27, the day after the VMAs, and fans have been living for it ever since. It starts out with Turner clutching her face and yelling "Jonathan Van Ness!" in sheer delight. JVN reacted by screaming — yes, screaming — and turning the other way in disbelief that Sansa Stark, Queen of the North, was standing right in front of them.
Please believe, at the very core of your being, that both of these reactions are me reacting to anything I love. I have never seen my personality so plain and clear right in front of me.
After their initial screams and hugs, Turner and JVN talked about how obsessed with each other they are. Then JVN started fangirling over Game of Thrones, naturally.
"So happy for your ending! Oh my god, I was so relieved," JVN said to Turner.
Then they said they loved each other and repeated how obsessed they were with each other, then JVN provided a wholesome moment.
"Congratulations on your gorgeous summer! I think you're incredible," they said, sending all the loving wishes to Turner following her marriage and honeymoon with Joe Jonas.
"Oh, thank you, honey! I think you're incredible," Turner said back. "You have to meet Joe! You haven't met Joe yet." Then, Joe Jonas slid in and met JVN. He literally just bowed when he approached them, as did Turner, and JVN bowed right back. What a moment.
Honestly, I don't think anyone had as good of a time at the VMAs as Sophie Turner. There was this behind-the-scenes moment with JVN. Then there was the moment she fangirled over Normani and ditched Jonas to dance with Hailee Steinfeld.
There was the moment she held Joe and Nick Jonas' hands as she painstakingly waited for a Shamila kiss that would never happen.
And she met Lizzo!
Sophie Turner is the ultimate fangirl of American pop culture. Good on f*cking her for successfully infiltrating three of the biggest tenants of our pop culture: Game of Thrones, X-Men, and The Jonas Brothers. We have no choice but to stan. All hail the Queen of the North!
And all hail Jonathan Van Ness, the gorgeous creature whom I literally mistook for J. Lo when they walked out on stage to announce an award during the VMAs.