
Peter Kraus Will Have A Second Chance To Find Love On 'Bachelor' Spinoff Series

by Kelli Boyle

Rachel Lindsay and Peter Kraus had one of the most heartbreaking breakup scenes The Bachelorette has ever seen, and lots of people thought they'd never see Kraus on The Bachelor again. But don't worry, Bachelor fans, it's been confirmed that Peter Kraus is going to be on The Bachelor Winter Games. *Cue the mass hysteria.* Even though it was obvious Lindsay and Kraus were seriously in love with each other, they ended up breaking up in an intense scene because Kraus didn't want to propose to Lindsay in the finale. It wasn't because he didn't love her — just the opposite, actually. He didn't think the premise of the show that guarantees an engagement at the end set a couple up for long-term success and happiness. To his credit, lots of Bachelor Nation couples are no more, so he's probably right about that whole faulty premise thing. But Lindsay wanted to be engaged by the end, so they broke up and she's now engaged to Bryan Abasolo.

Fans wanted Kraus to be the new Bachelor, but that part was given to Arie Luyendyk Jr., a random choice from Emily Maynard's season. Fans were pretty much distraught (I'm serious when I use that word) when they learned Kraus won't be the Bachelor. But now they'll be able to see him look for love again when he returns to Bachelor Nation this winter! Bachelor series creator Mike Fleiss confirmed the news in a tweet on Wednesday, Oct. 4, saying, "Yes, Peter will be looking for love — and going for the gold — on #TheBachelor Winter Games!!!!"

Fans are relieved, to say the least.

Hate to break it you, guys (but am also surprised if you don't know this already...), but Peter Kraus was reportedly never The Bachelor producers' first choice for the new season.

Nope. The producers reportedly didn't like it when Kraus criticized the fact that people are supposed to get engaged in the finale episodes of the two shows. Since it's the whole premise of the show, they seemed to be confused/possibly annoyed at the fact that Kraus was against it knowing full and well what the expectations were. But Kraus reportedly learned his lesson, as he posted a cryptic tweet the day the new Bachelor was announced that said, "Never let fear hold you back. Lesson learned."

Mike Fleiss also not-so-subtly hinted that Kraus wasn't the Bachelor producers wanted because they didn't want a star who didn't believe in the show's premise. In a tweet on Aug. 17, Fleiss said,

Do we really want a Bachelor who isn't ready to settle down with a woman he loves? Hmmm. Not what #thebachelor is all about...

Hmmm, but were all of the former Bachelors who are now single because they didn't follow through on that whole settling down plan what The Bachelor is all about? Me thinks not. But let's not think about the fact that just about every Bachelor couple eventually breaks up, and instead continue to talk about how great it is that these people sign up to do a show where they're forced to fall in love in a short number of months, and then they're shamed if — shocker — they want more time to get to know each other on an even deeper level! It's almost as if relationships take more time and effort and fewer cameras and producers to make them last!

Wait... was Peter onto something?! Yeah, most definitely. But it's fine! Let's just get excited to watch him lower his standards in order to find real love this season on The Bachelor Winter Games. This is totally going to work out well!

When the news of Luyendyk's casting first broke, a source told People,

Peter is every Bachelor producer’s worst nightmare: the perfect guy who cannot be coerced into proposing at the end. The fact that no one could talk Peter into buckling under and just giving her the ring — and that he wouldn’t play along — absolutely enraged the higher-ups at the show. Including Fleiss, definitely. He is totally on their s— list forever.

Well, maybe not forever.