This Genius Tool Fits On Any Nail Polish Bottle & Makes Painting With Your Non-Dominant Hand SO Easy
No matter how steady of a hand you have and how ambidextrous you think you are, it's damn near impossible to paint your nails with your non-dominant hand and have it come out perfect. I'm talking a clean finish, without a bump in sight, and without getting more polish on your skin than your actual nails. I know I can't do it. I'm right handed, so of course, my left hand always looks flawless. But when it comes to my right hand, wielding the brush with my left is a delicate, precarious process that often ends up with a less-than-professional result. I've tried every trick in the book, too, and nothing ever works. However, Olive & June's new tool, "The Poppy," seems to be a game-changer for anyone else out there who, to but it bluntly, sucks at painting nails with their non-dominant hand.
After years of unsuccessfully searching for the perfect hack for my at-home manicures, LA-based cool-girl nail spot Olive & June invented a tool that's seriously about to change the lives of beauty junkies who prefer to do it themselves. So what exactly is The Poppy? Well, it's essentially an attachment that fits on the top of every nail polish bottle — yes, you can still use your go-to nudes and your favorite reds! — and it's about to make your life a whole lot easier.
The Poppy is a silicone nail polish brush topper that turns any cap into an easy-to-hold handle. Lightweight and super soft to the touch, this light pink tool makes it easy to paint your nails with your non-dominant hand (and even easier to use your dominant one). The squishy, round-shaped handle makes it easier to grip the cap, allowing for even, steady, and more controlled strokes. Here's what this lifesaver looks like:
Aside from offering way more surface area for your non-dominant hand to grip onto, get this: If you've ever had to hold off on painting your nails your fave color because you can't pry open your seemingly welded-shut bottle, the silicone tool also grips onto the nail polish cap, making twisting off stubborn caps worlds easier. If you ask me, that alone makes it a genius invention.
As I mentioned above, The Poppy is universal. Olive & June promises it can slip over any bottle cap, no matter how funky it looks. I thought that was a pretty bold claim, so I busted out a handful of bottles and put The Poppy to work, as seen above.
First off, some oddly shaped bottles (including Olive & June's own nail polishes) have a removable cap cover that you need to take off first. Once you take those off, you'll find a regular, twistable nail polish bottle cap that easily fits The Poppy right over the cap.
The Poppy Universal Nail Polish Bottle Handle by Olive & June will set you back a mere $16, but the best part is, you'll save so much cash now that you don't need to rely on a professional to make your dominant hand look just as good as its counterpart. Go ahead and cancel your expensive mani and finally put all those shades in your collection to use.