Netflix's 2017 Year In Review Is Here & It Might Inspire A New TV Binge Session
Is there anything more comforting than an evening on the couch with a warm blanket and your favorite TV show (and possibly a glass of wine)? Obviously a binge session is the perfect indulgence for a night in, and this year had some... interesting viewing statistics. Netflix's 2017 Year In Review has been revealed, and its quirky and fun findings just might inspire you to find a new show.
The internet television network wanted to send 2017 out with a bang, thus deciding to uncover what exactly people were watching and when. Between Nov. 1, 2016 and Nov. 1, 2017, more than 60,000 survey responses from members were filtered in, and you'll definitely get a kick out of the results. Someone apparently couldn't get enough of Jack Sparrow and decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 365 days in a row (talk about commitment). People in Mexico took the top spot for having the most members watch Netflix every day, so there's a lot to aspire toward. If you thought your TV-watching patterns were interesting, you haven't seen anything yet.
According to network, Netflix members around the world watched more than 140 million hours of shows per day, which totaled a little more than one billion hours per week. This year was definitely tense and no one seemed to agree on anything — with the exception that Netflix is a must. At least we can find common ground somewhere, right?
Netflix took things a step further and decided to uncover the top 10 shows we devoured (which we watched for over two hours in a row), shows that we savored (which we watched for no more than two hours at a time), shows that brought us together, and shows that made us cheat (not literally, but in terms of binging dates). Let's have a look at the findings.
Here are the Netflix shows we devoured in 2017.
- American Vandal
- 3%
- 13 Reasons Why
- Anne with an E
- Riverdale
- Ingobernable
- Travelers
- The Keepers
- The OA
- The Confession Tapes
Here are the ones we savored.
- The Crown
- Big Mouth
- Neo Yokio
- A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Friends from College
- Ozark
- Atypical
- Dear White People
- Disjointed
Here are the shows we couldn't help but watch — even if we started these series with a S.O. and finished them alone.
- Narcos
- 13 Reasons Why
- Stranger Things
- Orange is the New Black
- Sense8
- Black Mirror
- Marvel's The Defenders
- Marvel's Iron Fist
- Ozark
And, if you're feeling a little guilty, here are the shows that brought everyone together (aw, happiness).
- Stranger Things
- 13 Reasons Why
- A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Star Trek Discovery
- Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
- Riverdale
- Fuller House
- Chef's Table
- Atypical
- Anne with E
While we're confessing, I figured I'd share what exactly my viewing patterns on Netflix are like (in the event you need further inspiration for your next night at home).
The show I devoured by wished I had savored: Atypical. This emotional family drama focuses on a couple raising two children, one of whom has a disability. Things spiral out of control on numerous occasions, and you'll want nothing more than a happy ending for this family, but you're left on a cliffhanger. I wish I didn't watch it all in one sitting.
The show I savored: Hemlock's Grove. Bill Skarsgård — need I say more?
The show that made me cheat: The Wonder Years. Look, I live in Brooklyn and my boyfriend lives on Long Island. I can't always wait for him when drama between Winnie Cooper and Kevin Arnold unfolds (sorry, babe).
The show that brought my friends and me together: Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. Is there really a female millennial on the planet who was daring enough to miss Lorelai and Rory's return? I think not.
OK folks, you know the stats. Let's outdo ourselves for 2018. Happy watching!
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