John Cena Says He Wants Kids With Nikki Bella Now & Wait, What?!
Love is not dead! At least not for John Cena and Nikki Bella. The couple, who was set to be married earlier this month, were engaged for a year before breaking up in April 2018. At the time, it was said that Cena was iffy about having children. But now, John Cena wants kids with Nikki Bella. Or so he says.
When Cena and Bella split, many outlets were reporting that Cena didn’t want to commit to having children, while Bella was dead set on creating a family of her own.
But now Cena seems to be changing his tune. During an interview with Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford on Today, Cena explained that he wants to be the family man Bella always wanted him to be:
I love her. I want to be with her. I want to make her my wife. I want to be the father of her children. I just want us to work.
He also talked about how he's still reeling from his heartbreak:
It's up and it's down. It's been incredibly reflective, which is amazing, but it's very difficult. I had my heart broken out of nowhere … or for me it was out of nowhere. Anyone who has experienced that knows it comes with a series of bad feelings.
It seems like Cena might be taking a step back and looking at the breakup with new eyes.
Bella is also starting to open up about the split and what it means for her reality show Total Bellas, which airs on E! The show’s new season will document the difficult breakup.
In a red carpet interview with Erin Lim at the 2018 NBCUniversal Upfront, Bella expressed some apprehension at the thought of seeing her split from Cena play out on screen:
I have to say it's going to be definitely very hard to relive and it's hard to document it, but at the same time, the Bella Army has been on this incredible journey with John and I and you know all the viewers at E! and I feel like I would be cheating them if I was to take away all that footage because it's real life. We go through these ups and downs and we wedding plan — we could be on cloud nine, but then sometimes it makes you just face a lot of things that are going on in your life and you truly see that this season.
It sounds as though Bella is really committed to making sure the show portrays her life in as authentic a light as possible, which is awesome.
Since the breakup, Bella has moved in with her sister, fellow wrestler Brie Bella. Prior to living with her sister, Bella had lived with Cena since 2013.
The 34-year-old also went on to explain that the new season of Total Bellas, which airs on Sunday, May 20, will give viewers a chance to understand the breakup and relate to it:
I think a lot of people are going to be able to relate to it. I think it's going to also give a lot of people courage and bravery to speak up. I think sometimes we go through things because we're like, 'Ok, this is what we need to do. It's too late.' It's never too late to make a decision, so.
Well, it looks like taking some time away from the relationship has made a world of difference for both of them, especially Cena. Maybe the breakup has really put things into perspective for him. Bella, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be looking to the past. Or, at least, she’s not doing it publicly. Is there potential for them to rekindle the romance? Only time will tell!