Here's How To Watch 'Elf,' So You Don't Miss Out Like A Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins
The best part of the holiday season are the movies. There's nothing like cuddling up and watching your favorite flicks when the weather starts to get chilly. The movie that gets me feeling festive AF no matter what is easily Elf. It's so hilarious, Will Ferrell is a dream, and it's an overall feel-good movie that everyone loves. If you're wondering how to watch Elf, there are a few ways to choose so you don't ruin anyone's life and cram 11 cookies into the VCR.
I'm not sure how to say this — if you've somehow missed the existence of Elf since 2003, you're really out of the holiday movie loop. I mean, what the heck is on your television every December? Rated with an 85 percent on Rotten Tomatoes (an honor for any movie), the synopsis reads,
[Will] Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus (Edward Asner). When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family.
All you need to know — it's hilarious, adorable, and dripping with holiday cheer.
Just watch it, OK?! There are a few ways to consume Elf this holiday season. Below are four ways to watch.
1. "25 Days Of Christmas" On Freeform
Formerly known as ABC Family, Freeform is keeping the same format of their "25 Days Of Christmas." Through the entire month of December, Freeform plays holiday movies ALL. DAY. LONG. Literally, from 7:30 a.m. until past midnight, one festive movie plays after another. Elf happens to be airing 20 out of the 25 days on Freeform. For times and dates, view the full "25 Days of Christmas" schedule here.
2. Rent On Amazon Prime Video Or iTunes
Elf is available on Amazon Prime Video to rent ($4) or buy ($10). If you spend as much time on your computer as I do, having the movie digitally is amazing. Another platform to rent or buy is iTunes — buy for $10 or rent for $4.
If you're a huge Elf fan, it may be worth the purchase — then you can feel the joy all year round.
3. Buy Elf On DVD
Remember DVDs? If you still love popping a disk in the ol' DVD or Blu-ray player, you can buy Elf on Amazon for less than $8. The best part of buying the movie is it feels so much more exciting receiving it in the mail — after only two days from purchase because (obviously) Amazon Prime is life.
4. Add To Your DVD Queue On Netflix
Unfortunately, Elf is not available for instant watch on Netflix. Don't worry, not all hope is lost. Add it to your DVD Queue and have it delivered right to your door. No fuss or hassle.
While you're waiting for Elf to air on Freeform, download, or be delivered to your front door — here are a few Elf quotes you can use in your everyday life.
1. I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!
2. He's an angry elf.
3. You sit on a throne of lies.
4. Ow! Son of a nutcracker!
5. You smell like beef and cheese. You don't smell like Santa.
6. I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite.
7. It's just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture.
Honestly, I can think of MANY instances throughout the day that these seven phrases would be totally appropriate.
Elf is truly one of the funniest and light-hearted holiday movies. Make sure you catch it this season or risk becoming a cotton-headed ninny muggins.
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