Emily Blunt Revealed How Many Times John Krasinski Watched Her In 'The Devil Wears Prada'
It’s no secret that John Krasinski is a huge fan of his wife Emily Blunt. But the amount of times he’s seen his wife’s hit film The Devil Wears Prada may just be a little over the top. In the film, Blunt famously plays Emily Charlton, a no-nonsense fashion assistant who is obsessed with going to Paris. The performance is arguably one of Blunt’s most memorable. And fans around the world have seen the film enough times to memorize all the dialogue. But what if you’re Blunt’s husband? Surely, he sees enough of Blunt not to watch her movies too many times. So, how many times has John Krasinski seen The Devil Wears Prada?
"I would say a solid 23 times," Blunt revealed during an interview for Vogue’s 73 Questions. If you’re not familiar with 73 Questions, here’s the rundown: Vogue basically asks a quick-fire round of 73 questions and a celebrity, who in this case is Blunt, answers as quickly as humanly possible.
Although Krasinski has seen The Devil Wears Prada a whole bunch of times, that’s probably not the case for Blunt herself. She apparently isn’t very fond of watching her own films, or at least that’s what she told Vogue.
"I do not [re-watch my old movies]," she revealed. "Because I'll just pick them apart."
So, I guess it’s safe to say that Blunt and Krasinski probably haven’t watched the film together. Which is kind of sad since I’m sure they’d get a huge laugh out of it together. In any case, at least Krasinski has a strong appreciation for all of Blunt’s work, even for the stuff she made over 10 years ago now.
The question about how many times Krasinski has seen the film wasn’t the only one about The Devil Wears Prada. Vogue also asked Blunt what the most important lesson she learned from working on the film was and she actually had a really surprising answer.
"Just be more fierce and wild," Blunt said. "I learned that from Patricia Field, our costume designer."
That’s definitely a great lesson to take away from a film like The Devil Wears Prada. It’s kind of the whole point of the film, isn’t it? To be as fierce and true to yourself as possible. I don’t know about you, but that’s always what I take away from the film when I watch it. You just have to be as you and as uncompromising about your values as possible. At least, that’s what Andy Sachs seems to have done in the film!
In Blunt’s interview with Vogue, she also revealed which scene in The Devil Wears Prada was her favorite to shoot. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint: it’s one of the funniest in the film. According to Blunt, the scene that still resonates with her now is the scene "where I was really, really, really sick." I think a lot of fans of the film really love that scene as well!
Needless to say, The Devil Wears Prada holds a special place in Blunt’s heart. I guess it does in Krasinski’s as well, since he’s seen it almost two dozen times!