Here’s What To Know About Tipping On Your Next Uber Eats Order
Before apps like Uber Eats existed, ordering in food for delivery was — well — a major hassle. You always had to have menus on hand, you were required to order over the phone, and the worst part was you had to pay in cash. *Gasp.* Apps like Uber Eats have completely revolutionized the way we order food, though, and luckily, no cash is required... even for a tip. So, you might find yourself wondering, "How do I tip my Uber Eats driver?" Well, don't sweat it — doing so is simple.
Like I said, Uber Eats is incredibly easy to use. Start out by navigating to the Uber Eats website, and enter your delivery address to view all of your nearby restaurants. Click on which restaurant you want to order from, decide on what you want to order, and add it to your cart. Once you've finished ordering, click your Cart in the upper right hand corner, hit "Checkout" from the drop down menu, and login or create your account if you haven't done so already.
After entering all of your billing and delivery information, you'll have a chance to leave a tip, which, of course, will be fully appreciated by your driver. The best part about leaving your tip in the app is that you don't even need to calculate how much you should leave. The Uber Eats app will give you options to leave a 10%, 15%, or 20% tip. You can also choose to customize your tip. Once you've selected a tipping option and hit "Place Order," you'll be all set.
Users have been able to tip drivers and couriers in the Uber and Uber Eats apps for quite a while now. In fact, Uber and Uber Eats launched their tipping features just over two years ago, according to the brand. And ever since the new feature launched, drivers and couriers have made almost $2 billion in tips, all earnings aside. Pretty impressive right?
Tipping makes a major difference for the employees at Uber, because all of the tips go to your driver or courier, according to the brand.
Per Uber, Daniel Danker, the Head of Driver Product, said:
Whatever you tip, however you tip, 100% always goes to your driver or delivery partner with Uber or Uber Eats. They've earned every dollar.
Oddly, there are certain U.S. cities that tip more frequently than others. In fact, Uber collected data on the top tipping cities, and the results might surprise you. The cities that tend to tip the best include Salt Lake City, Utah; San Antonio, Texas; Kansas City, Kansas; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Nashville, Tennessee. Fellow New Yorkers — step up your game! These drivers work hard AF.
The most popular times to leave a tip — for whatever reason — happen to be Fridays at 2:12 a.m., Saturdays at 10:33 p.m., and Thursdays at 8:12 p.m., according to the company. It seems random, but again, no matter what time you're riding or ordering in, make sure to leave a generous tip behind. It's the least you can do.
The next time you order food via the Uber Eats app, don't forget to leave a tip when you're checking out. The bigger tip the better, honestly, but try and leave what you can — they're working hard, and they definitely deserve the best.