You Can Get Paid $1,000 To Marathon 'The Office,' Which You Already Do For Free
If you are one of the many The Office fans who will rewatch the series over and over again, then a perfect-sounding new job opportunity could earn you a nice chuck of cash for doing what you love. USDish, the retailer of satellite dish television, announced a new gig that sounds like a dream come true for The Office superfans. The company is offering $1,000, and all you have to do is watch a bunch of episodes of your favorite sitcom. Here's how to apply for a The Office reviewer job so you can start making money while reminiscing on Michael Scott's greatest quotes:
The new opportunity comes courtesy of USDish, which is searching for one die-hard fan to watch 15 hours of The Office over the course of nine days. Since The Office episodes are usually a little over 20 minutes long, that 15 hours averages out to about 45 episodes that the selected person will need to watch. While 45 episodes may sound somewhat daunting to some TV fans, if you put it in terms of the nine days that USDish is giving the winner to complete the task, it is actually very manageable. You wind up having to watch only about four or five episodes per day, which should take up less than two hours of your time per day.
So, if you are already watching about five episodes of The Office in one sitting just for fun, then this is a perfect opportunity to get paid for what you're already doing anyway.
There is a bit more to the job than just watching the show, though. USDish is interested in understanding how popular sitcoms use common tropes, so the company is asking its reviewer to keep a checklist that tallies how often certain occurrences happen... like how often Jim does his famous camera-stare, or how many times Stanley rolls his eyes. USDish is also encouraging the selected person to share their opinions and reactions about the episodes they watch on social media.
If you are selected and complete the 15 hours of The Office viewing in nine days, then USDish will reward you with $1,000, a Netflix gift card, and a gift bag filled with The Office swag.
To apply, fill out the form on USDish's website with your basic information, a short essay about why you are The Office's biggest fan, and an optional video showing why you are the best pick. The position is only available to U.S. citizens, and you need to submit your application before Monday, March 16, at 7 p.m. ET to be considered.