
Hailey Baldwin Revealed How She Tunes Out All The Social Media Hate Surrounding Her Life

by Tara Martinez
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

There’s no question that Hailey Baldwin receives a lot of attention on social media. The 22-year-old model has a slew of fans who love her, but not all the attention she gets on social media is positive. Thanks to her husband Justin Bieber, Baldwin has also gained a following that consists of some not-so-nice folks. But through it all, good and bad, Baldwin has a specific way of tuning out all the haters. In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Baldwin revealed how she manages it all. Hailey Baldwin’s comments about social media show that she’s a pro at handling all the negativity she receives from fans.

In her interview with Cosmopolitan, Baldwin revealed that she still cares to some degree what people say about her online. But she’s found a way to keep all the hateful comments she receives from truly getting to her.

“I’ve found that I got to a place where I don’t read the comments,” Baldwin explained. “You still care to a certain extent. You really have to train your brain to be like, ‘Okay, why do I even care? I don’t know these people, they don’t know me, they’re not a part of my life or my relationship.’ People can just be mean, and I feel like if you don’t want it to get to you, then don’t read it and allow it to affect your soul."

That’s actually great advice. I think anyone who has been criticized on social media, whether they’re famous or not, could follow in Baldwin’s footsteps here.

Even if you simply struggle with all the negative stuff you see online, sometimes it’s good to just take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I guess that’s why so many celebs take social media breaks. Even Baldwin needs a break from social every now and then.

"Sometimes I delete Instagram for a couple days at a time, which is really nice,” she told Cosmopolitan. “I’ve done that when I’ve felt like I really couldn’t handle what people were saying or it was like what I was looking at was unavoidable.”

It’s pretty clear that Baldwin has learned how to manage her social media presence and keep any negativity she receives at bay. Even her bestie Kelia Moniz, who was also interview by Cosmo, thinks Baldwin is doing a great job at maintaining a healthy distance between herself and the media, especially now that she’s a household name.

“Watching the way this girl handles her life under the microscope of literally the entire universe.. .She holds the standard of who she is as an individual so high,” Moniz told Cosmopolitan. “She’s the same consistent human being, always. And she goes through all the craziness of her life so positively and strongly and doesn’t let all the outside comments and all the things of life hinder her spirit, and it’s really, really inspiring to see.”

All in all, it looks like Baldwin knows how to take care of herself, both on and off the internet.