
Donald Trump Told A Reporter "Don't Be A Baby" After She Asked A Question About Migrants

by Chelsea Stewart
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Hi, and welcome to your daily dose of WTF news. I'm your host, Chelsea, and I'd like to present you with yet another highly controversial story regarding the president. This time, Donald Trump told a reporter "don't be a baby" after she asked him a question about migrants and it's just... bad. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for comment on the moment, but did not hear back by the time of publication.

The stunning moment reportedly went down during a roundtable discussion on immigration on Friday, Oct. 19 in Arizona. Speaking before a group of reporters, President Trump repeatedly claimed that a group of migrants headed towards the United States are "hardened criminals." (Yes, really.) He also called them "bad," adding, "These aren’t little angels coming into our country.”

A reporter then followed up asking Trump to provide evidence on why those immigrants are considered to be so dangerous, and that's when things took a turn. Trump's demeanor appeared to shift to a more serious tone, with him giving the audience a stern and cold look before telling New York Times reporter Emily Cochrane: “Oh, please. Please. Don’t be a baby. Okay?"

“I didn’t say in all cases. But in many cases, these are hardened criminals,” he continued. “These are tough, tough people, and I don’t want them in our country and neither does our country.” The White House did not immediately respond to Elite Daily's request for comment on Trump's remarks.

According to BuzzFeed, Trump was referring to a United States-bound caravan of Central American migrants seeking refuge from poverty and violence. As a result, he's reportedly threatened to cut aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador if their governments do not turn the caravan around. However, the caravan has reportedly ignored his warning.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

But Trump has continued to ratchet up his stance regarding immigration-related issues altogether. During a rally on Thursday, Oct. 18, he spoke about a "catch and release" policy that would allow some migrants who reach the U.S. to stay, explaining:

We have to take those people in even if they are criminals. And we have hardened criminals coming in. You think those people are perfect? They're not perfect. We have some bad people coming in, and by law, we have to take them in and then we have to — it's called 'catch and release,' you ever hear this one?

Trump has also used the topic of immigration to galvanize Republican voters ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm elections. He's repeatedly claimed that Democrats want "open borders" (also without any apparent evidence) — as recently as Thursday, Oct. 18. That day, he tweeted:

I am watching the Democrat Party led (because they want Open Borders and existing weak laws) assault on our country by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose leaders are doing little to stop this large flow of people, INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS, from entering Mexico to U.S.

Between all that, it's probably safe to say that he definitely won't be slowing down with his controversial comments on the subject. But let's just cross our fingers anyway, shall we?