Chrissy Teigen Caught Miles Taking His First Steps On Video
What is it about Chrissy Teigen and John Legend that makes me feel like I'm a part of their family? It definitely has something to do with the way Teigen documents and shares their day-to-day lives and the fact fans have been able to watch her sweet babies grow up in real time. Chrissy Teigen's video of Miles taking his first steps is a great example. It's like I was there, you guys!
Baby Miles is about 14 months old, which is basically a decade in celebrity years. Fans have had the absolute pleasure of watching him mature from a teeny-tiny John Legend lookalike to just a tiny John Legend lookalike and it's been a damn dream. If you follow his mom on social media, you know his demeanor and attitude are extremely chill and suave — two signature attributes he shares with his dad.
In the video of him taking his first little steps, Miles is chilling with his toy cars. Sure, he's a very short distance from the couch, which he ultimately bumps into on his way to his mom, but he definitely gets one foot in front of the other before knocking into the furniture. Teigen captioned the video, "I think I just caught his first real steps!" She added on Twitter, "Does this count?"
Yes. It definitely counts. And by the looks of the 90,000 likes it gained in less than 24-hours, people agree.
Around the same time Miles' stumbled his way through this major milestone, Teigen also shared perhaps my favorite Boomerang video of all time on Instagram. She and her hubby Legend make a perfect Miles sandwich and lay two big smooches on the little guy while he squirms.
Is this what a perfect family is?! Chrissy, John, will you guys adopt me and make me a smooch sandwich, too? Is that too far?
The iconic family has been celebrating their summer vacationing with family friends Jen Atkin and her husband Mike Rosenthal, but the real stars of the show are obviously still the kids. While Teigen and Atkins' have posted truly staggering numbers of funny/sexy bathing suit pics, goofy friendship videos, and hair #lewks, fans are low-key here for all of that delicious Luna and Miles content.
Look at these dream faces:
I said look at them!!!
What I would give to be a part of that picnic...
In June, Teigen shared a photo of Miles crawling in some uncomfortably perfect grass in Italy. At the time, she speculated he might take his first steps during that particular trip. "I think someone’s gonna take his first steps in Italy! oh dear," she wrote. Well, jokes on you, Chrissy. Miles was holding out until he had a really important reason to take his first strides, like trying to pass you his toy car. Obviously.
It's wild to think that in a not-so-distant future, fans will see these kids learn to drive cars, go to school dances, and maybe become icons my future kids look up to, too.
Go get 'em, Miles. You're a star, kid.