Bretman Rock Says His MTV Show Makes Sense Because He's A Reality Star At Heart
Most of us can't control our own destiny, but Bretman Rock seems to have figured out how to. The 22-year-old has shaped his life into the very one he's envisioned since he was a kid growing up in the Philippines: that of an internet sensation. Rock has all the makings of a modern celebrity, starting with a digital-first audience of 15 million followers on Instagram and another 9 million on TikTok. He's become an icon because of his unapologetic personality, inspiring others to live the same. And with the debut of his new show MTV Following: Bretman Rock, the spotlight is on him more than ever. Bretman Rock's quotes about being a reality star at heart prove he was born for the job.
Rock's new show premiered on Feb. 8 on MTV's YouTube channel, giving fans an exclusive look at all aspects of his life in Hawaii (he relocated there from the Philippines when he was 7 years old). The show unveils a more personal side of Rock and closely follows his day-to-day life throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
Though there's an entirely new set of eyes on Rock, he's always known superstardom was in the cards. "I always felt like I was going to be famous, and I feel like a lot of people feel like that. Like, they've always known their destiny in life at a young age," he tells Elite Daily. "I'm one of them. In my own delusional head, ever since I was 8, I was a reality star."
Unlike most reality stars who plant roots in Los Angeles, Rock has opted to remain in Hawaii, where he recently bought a new house. But he still hears Hollywood calling his name. "I guess you could say I'm kind of half moved into Hollywood," he says. "I found an apartment literally seven minutes from Hollywood, so, yeah, I am a Hollywood star."
As Rock says in the first episode of Following, he's spent most of his time with a few close friends while social distancing in Hawaii, including Larry and Keiffer, who also appear on the show. His sister, Princess Mae, is also a focal character. "Before Covid, I was in L.A. about a week out of every month, so I'll do a few weeks in Hawaii, then a week in L.A. doing work stuff. No, I don't see myself moving to L.A., but I do see myself being there for work when I have to," he says.
Everything from Rock's hair to his reality star dreams seem to effortlessly fall into place on Following, but he does admit there's one on-set challenge he grapples with. The bluntness fans love most is also what gets him in trouble from time to time.
"Like I said, I've always been a reality star. To be honest with you, I grew up [like that, so] there's nothing I [usually] struggle with," he says. "Honestly, the newest struggle for me is to always remember that I'm being filmed. Sometimes I say things I should not have said, or something I do things I should not have done, so probably the biggest struggle for me is watching myself. I am unapologetically myself, and sometimes it's a little too unapologetic."
You can watch the first episode of Rock's MTV series below.
The best news of all is that fans who love Rock's show can likely expect a second season. While the news hasn't been confirmed just yet, true to form, Rock is unwaveringly confident Season 2 will be green-lit.
"I actually can tell you I think there is going to be a season two. If there is a season two, I'd do it because the crew was so fun," he says. "A lot of the crew members were locals, and the best part about shooting was the people I got to work with. That's probably the only reason why I'd shoot a season two, so I can hang out with them."
New episodes of MTV's Following: Bretman Rock air every Monday at 4 p.m. E.T. on MTV's YouTube page.