I Lived Like A Royal For The Day & It Was A Truly Magical Experience

by Amanda Fama

Sometimes, you need to treat yourself like the princess you always dreamt of being as a little kid. Whether that means visiting your favorite nail salon for quality "you time" or breaking open your favorite bottle of wine, you should go out of your way to make yourself feel special every once in a while. If you're planning on taking a trip to the United Kingdom in the near future, you should look into a few London activities that'll make you feel like a royal for the day. 'Tis the season to act like a princess, am I right?

Last month, I visited London with American Express Travel. During the trip, I was able to experience once-in-a-lifetime dinners, private tours, exclusive spa treatments, and more. From the moment I arrived stepped foot into the Ham Yard Hotel in SoHo, London, I knew I was in for a royal experience. The hotel made me feel like a freaking queen, and I'd totally suggest staying there if you decide to visit the city in honor of the upcoming royal wedding. In fact, I'd suggest doing a lot things in town that'll make you feel like royalty. If you hope to spend some "you time" during your London trip, take my lead.

Post-Flight Massage To Fight Jet Lag


Here's the thing: I never had an professional massage until I went to London — and wow, I've been missing out. Soon after I unpacked my bags at the Ham Yard Hotel, I ventured into its in-house spa, The Soholistic Spa, for a post-flight session. TBH, it was life changing.

The Soholistic Spa provides the perfect atmosphere for anyone battling jet lag from an overseas flight (think calming music, essential oils, dim lights, and super comfy robes). The masseuse at the spa made me feel like a queen, and I'd recommend that anyone visiting London gives her a visit. A 30-minute massage will cost about $140, and it's so worth it.

Wine & Dinner At Meghan Markle's Go-To Spot

Amanda Fama

If you want to act like a royal, you have to eat like a royal (duh). I had the opportunity indulge in a Meghan Markle-approved dinner while I was in London. That basically makes me a princess-to-be, right?

I visited Bocca di Lupo, one of the tastiest Italian joints in London. Fresh ingredients are flown into the country twice a week (every week), and wine from Italy's 20 regions is featured on the menu. As you can see in the picture above, the group I ate dinner with shared a family-style meal complete with pasta, seafood, and veggies galore. According to the restaurant's manager, Markle has been seen eating here. Unfortunately, I didn't run into Markle and Prince Harry on a date while I was there, but maybe you will.

Private Tour Of Kensington Palace

Amanda Fama

Acting like a royal for the day means you have to live where royals live (in the least creepy way possible), like by taking a private tour through the portion of Kensington Palace where King George II and Queen Caroline, who led the country from 1720 to 1760, lived. It was as enchanting as it was educational, and I felt like a princess walking through the mural-covered walls. If you want to visit Kensington Palace, be sure to check out details and times of operation on the mansion's website. Tickets to visit the palace cost $20.29 for adults.

Tour Through The Tower Of London & The Crown Jewels

Amanda Fama

One of the most royal things I did in the United Kingdom was tour the Tower of London with a Yeoman Warder. As you may or may not know, the Tower of London is a historic castle based in Central London where royal families lived throughout history. Tickets to visit the Tower cost $31.98 for adults.

©Historic Royal Palaces

The Crown Jewels are located inside a vault at the Tower of London, and you can see them up close there. After entering the vault, I was taken aback by the glistening jewels that were on display. Being so close to the crowns that kings and queens wore throughout history was a humbling experience, and it definitely made me feel like a royal. If you want to visit the Crown Jewels during your London trip, check out the details online. Admission to see the Crown Jewels is included with admission to the Tower of London.

A Day Of Shopping In London


One of the most glamorous things I've ever done was dedicate a day to shopping around London. The city has a ton of adorable shops and markets that I fell in love with. I visited Camden Market, which was full of delicious food trucks and unique stores. I also explored Brick Lane Vintage Market, which is a basement store full of stylish clothing, jewelry, and records. There, I purchased a fringe jacket from Red Carpet Retro that I'm currently obsessed with. If you're a vintage-loving gal, definitely visit Brick Lane while you're in the city.

During my shopping day, I was driven from place to place with a personal chauffeur (which was even more glam). However, scoring a personal driver isn't always easy, so I'd suggest mapping out your shopping route and deciding on transportation before embarking on your journey.

Walk Around & Think About The Queen

Stacey Leasca

Sometimes I forget that kings and queens actually exist IRL. I know that sounds a little funny, but growing up reading fairytales about princesses always kind of blurred reality for me. It's easy to forget that the royal family is living and breathing in London, and sometimes you need to take a few moments to let that sink in. I found that walking around London and thinking about the queen put me in a "royal" mindset, and it's something you could easily do during your down time while visiting. So grab some tea, take a walk, and channel all of the ~ queen vibes ~ you can think of.

There are tons of things to do in London to make you feel like royalty. However, you don't need private tours or personal chauffeurs to do it. A little bit of pre-trip planning will help ensure you give yourself the princess treatment you deserve while you're there.