23 People Reveal The Absolute Weirdest Places They've Had Sex & Oh, God, Why?
There are plenty of places to have sex out in the world if you get creative, but usually, everyone winds up in the same place: the bedroom. I mean, yes, you can go to your bed, your partner's bed, or heck, maybe even a hotel bed if you feel like taking a walk on the wild side. For the most part, though, a lot of people keep it pretty vanilla with their location choices for sex... or at least that's what I thought, until a couple of Reddit threads asked people to share the weirdest places to have sex from their personal experience.
From playgrounds to Target parking lots, let me just say this: People are getting freaky in places way more exciting than the bedroom. Read along and prepare to have your mind blown.
They did it on a playground.
Swing, in an empty playground.
With another reddit user, who may or may not see this.
They got it on in, not just any parking lot, but the Target parking lot.
Target parking lot.
I like to keep things classy.
They boinked in the church parking lot.
On the hood of the car in a church parking lot. We were definitely watched, but not by any.. corporeal bystanders.
They did it at a family reunion.
Family reunion
They did more than cast a vote in the election booth.
I got f*cked in the *ss at the election booth
— wttk
Forget McDonald's — they porked in a Burger King bathroom.
Burger King bathroom
They rocked the boat in a canoe.
Floating canoe
— ColdBeef
They broke some ice during a Disney On Ice show.
A Disney Princesses on Ice show. Found an empty dining room only used for bigger events. The table clothes were a nice touch, thanks empty dining room.
This person lost their V-card in a movie theater.
I lost my virginity on Easter in the front row of a movie theater. Have also had sex in a bathroom at a gas station that was in a bad part of town.
— debeezy
They got it on in a car outside a police officer's house.
Back of a car next to my house in the alley infront of my Police Officer neighbors house as he was coming home.
They did it in a shed.
In a tiny shed, resting against a lawnmower
They made love on a cliff overlooking a river.
On the side of a cliff over a river.
They consummated their love right before getting married.
The court house restroom right before getting married.
— Hey_IT
Not only were they in a pool, but they were also in close proximity to her parents.
Did it in her pool when her parents were inside the house
They got X-rated at a G-rated party.
Children's birthday party (with another adult), her grandmothers closet (with her grandmother in the bedroom), a Pizza Hut, dog shelter (with another adult), one of those mega churches.
They did it in a Starbucks parking lot, and she ditched her date for it.
Starbucks parking lot with a girl who was on a date with another guy who was in that Starbucks waiting for her to return to the date.
They got acrobatic in her backyard.
On a trampoline in my girlfriend's backyard.
— philnich
They scored on a golf course.
On a golf course. It was night time, but people saw us and one of them made a joke about "the 19th hole". Yes, we were drunk.
They did more than mourn in a graveyard.
They probably got sand in some not-so-great places.
Beach at 5am with joggers jogging past
They did it where their parents live.
The lobby of my parent's apartment building.
The grinding got taken a little too far for them.
Party bus.
They did some great things on the Great Wall.
On the Great Wall of China.
Honestly, that list left me pretty speechless, but let me leave you just one thought: How awkward would you have felt if you were on your family vacation to the Great Wall of China and noticed a couple doing it in the background of your family photo? LOL.