
Only 25 Percent Of The Population Can See All 39 Colors In This Chart

by Gillian Fuller

Bear with me while I bring up "The Dress" one last time -- don't worry, though, it's not what you think.

There is a scientific reason some people saw the dress as black and blue while others saw it as white and gold, and it has to do with the distribution of color receptors in our eyes.

Diana Derval, an expert in neuromarketing, posted a visual test on LinkedIn, which can determine the type of vision a person has.

The test is a color spectrum consisting of 39 unique colors. The number of hues a person can differentiate on the chart points to the amount of color receptors, or cones, that person has.

If you see fewer than 20 colors, you, like a quarter of the population, are a dichromat, meaning you have two types of color receptors.

Those who see between 20 and 32 colors -- the majority of the population -- are trichromats, with three different color receptors.

And those who see 32 to 39 colors (this is me!) have four types of cones in their eyes. They're the tetrachromats, a group that makes up about a quarter of the population.

Tetrachromats, in addition, would have been less likely to be tricked by optical illusions, like that which defined the debate over the color of "The Dress."

Of course, there are drawbacks to taking the test digitally. Computers are limited in the range of colors they can display and could potentially produce false results, according to myth-busting website

Additionally, the Snopes article suggests far fewer people are tetrachromats than Derval said, citing studies supporting the claim.

Regardless, it's pretty cool to know some people can see different colors than you.

Check out the color test below (you may want to zoom in or increase the image size) to figure out what your eyes are all about.

Citations: How many colors you see can determine how many color receptors you have (KFOR News ), Tetrachromacy (Snopes)