
Law Professor Accidentally Emails A Porn Video To All Of Her Students

by Gillian Fuller

One of the most important lessons I've ever learned is how crucial it is always to check my texts and emails before pressing "send."

There's nothing worse than, for example, sh*t-talking someone over text and accidentally sending it to that person or sending your mom a photo of your naked boyfriend instead of your cat.


Sadly, Lisa McElroy, a legal professor at Drexel University, never learned that lesson -- until one day last month, when she learned it the hard way.

The professor had sent -- rather, intended to send -- a mass email to her students with a link to a “great article on writing briefs.”

Instead, ol' McElroy sent her students a video of a woman sans briefs, if you catch my drift. (If you don't, I'm talking about porn. Anal beads were involved.)


In a statement issued soon after the oopsie daisy, University officials said,

Drexel is required to initiate fact-finding for all reports of inappropriate behaviors of a sexual nature that may impact members of our community. As part of these policies and procedures, an employee may be put on administrative leave -- which is not punitive -- during the investigation.

McElroy allegedly cancelled her classes for that day after the incident, which students have hilariously dubbed #BeadGate.

Lesson so learned.

Citations: Drexel Professor Sent Students Link To Pornographic Video (Philly), Law Professor Who Sent Anal Bead Porn To Her Students Now Under Investigation (Above The Law)