
Jeb Bush Gets Owned By Student Who Says George W. Bush 'Created ISIS'

by Sean Levinson

In a heated exchange, a college student told Jeb Bush his brother was responsible for the birth of the Islamic State.

According to The New York Times, the former Florida governor had just finished a town hall-style meeting in Reno, Nevada on Wednesday when he was approached by 19-year-old Ivy Ziedrich.

Many of the attendees surrounding Bush wanted autographs, but Ziedrich asked,

Would you take a student question?

After identifying herself as a student at the University of Nevada, Ziedrich told the Republican presidential hopeful his belief the Islamic State was created as a result of America's dwindling presence in the Middle East was incorrect.

The student claimed George W. Bush's choice to dissolve the Iraqi army allowed for the rise of the militant group.

She added,

Your brother created ISIS.

The two spouted back and forth a little longer, and Bush eventually ended the conversation with this remark:

Look, you can rewrite history all you want. But the simple fact is that we are in a much more unstable place because [America] pulled back.

He turned around and walked away right after.

Citations: College Student to Jeb Bush Your Brother Created ISIS (The New York Times)