
You Can Now Buy Marijuana-Infused Coffee, And It's Actually Legal

by Sean Levinson

A Los Angeles coffee wizard created a weed-infused brew that is completely legal.

Kian Abedini, owner of coffee company Compelling & Rich, produces the magic beans through a centuries-old process called green coffee conditioning, according to LA Weekly.

This refers to exposing coffee beans to certain flavors when they are unroasted, or green.

The 28-year-old former chef first takes a bag of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe unroasted coffee beans and fills it with vaporized marijuana smoke that finds its way into the beans' pores. That bag sits for up to 24 hours.

Another method involves blowing more marijuana smoke onto beans while they are being roasted.

Abedini told LA Weekly,

I'm essentially hot-boxing the roast room.

The process gets him pretty high, but the drinker will be stone-cold sober.

Roasting the beans causes them to lose all THC, the chemical in weed that gets you high.

So while the coffee may taste and smell like marijuana, the stuff is 100 percent legal.

Abedini said,

It's as legal as burning hemp rope.

But Abedini hasn't given up on making coffee that actually does come with marijuana's psychoactive effects.

He told LA Weekly he is experimenting with coffee he described as "medicated," and he predicts such products to be available in dispensaries in just a few years.

To pick up a bag of the "herb-conditioned" coffee, visit the Compelling & Rich website or Abedini's downtown LA pop-up restaurant, Frequency Coffee.

Citations: How to Buy Weed Infused Coffee in LA (LA Weekly)