Facebook Of Love: Couples Now Can Make A Joint Facebook Page
There are two new pages available today on Facebook. Facebook has launched ‘couple pages’ that will allow couples to chronicle their relationship together and, for those of us who are single, a similar service has been provided for friends.
These pages bring together every event, picture and post between page members (either couples or friends) all into one place.
“Starting today, we're introducing a new layout for friendship pages,” said Facebook's Arun Vijayvergiya.
“Friendship pages combine posts, photos and events that you and another person have shared.”
“Click the gear menu at the top of a friend's timeline to see a friendship page… If you've listed yourself as in a relationship with someone, you can also visit facebook.com/us to see the friendship page you share with that person.”
Some, however, foresee some issues with the new pages.
“It doesn’t appear that there is a way for users to block friends or acquaintances from creating these pages about them,” writes Shane McGlaun of SlashGear. “If a jealous girlfriend sees that a page has been created with your name and an ex-girlfriend’s name at the same event, your life is likely to get difficult.”
Paul Hudson | Elite.