Mom Shares Tragic FB Pics Of Boy's Injuries When Bullies Attack After School
The family of a bullied teenager in Bridgend, Wales, recently released shocking photos of the young man after he was attacked on his way home from school.
In the photos, his face is bloodied and extremely swollen. The young man, 15, was reportedly taken to the hospital with a suspected broken jaw, according to Mail Online.
The photos were shared on Facebook by a friend of the young man's mother, with the caption,
These are the images of the young man assaulted yesterday! Sharing with His mums permission. Please if anyone saw anything contact the police . Police in Bridgend are appealing for witnesses to an assault on a teenage boy in North Cornelly to come forward. The incident occurred as the 15 year-old victim got off a bust at woodland Place, at approximately 4 pm on Wednesday, February 8, 2017. He sustained serious facial injuries which required hospital treatment. A 17-year-old boy has been arrested and bailed in connection with the incident.
As of Tuesday, February 14, the post with the photos has been shared over 8,000 times.
WARNING: The following images are graphic.
This incident is disturbing not only in terms the physical injuries the boy endured, but also because of the well-documented psychological impact of bullying.
According to the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention,
Youth who report frequently bullying others are at high, long-term risk for suicide-related behavior. Youth who report both being bullied and bullying others (sometimes referred to as bully-victims) have the highest rates of negative mental health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and thinking about suicide. Youth who report being frequently bullied by others are at increased risk of suicide-related behaviors, and negative physical and mental health outcomes.
Bullying might seem like a normal aspect of how young people interact, but it has serious consequences.
According to a spokesperson for the South Wales Police,
A 17-year-old boy has been arrested and bailed in connection with the incident.
Let's hope this young man's injuries heal quickly and he isn't too traumatized by what occurred.
Citations: Pictured: Bullied 15-year-old's shocking injuries after he was attacked as he got off a bus on his way to school (Mail Online)