Guy Acts As Target Rep And Trolls People Against Gender-Neutral Toys
On August 7, Target announced it would be removing gender-specific signs from the toy and bedding sections in an effort to let children decide, free of marketing pressure, what they like for themselves.
This seemingly harmless change has some shoppers up in arms, and many of them went to Target's Facebook page to vent.
Unfortunately for defectors, Facebook user Mike Melgaard saw the uproar as an opportunity to raise a little hell and troll a few (over 50) posts.
Posing as Ask ForHelp, a phony Target customer service rep, Melgaard toyed with the already fragile emotions of customers who vehemently disagreed with the change.
Many of the outraged customers mistakenly believed the gender-based labels would be removed from more than just the toy and bedding departments and extend to clothing and hygiene products.
Beyond being concerned with the struggles of finding clothing for their sons or daughters in a genderless shopping environment, these people appeared to also be worried about whether this move would encourage a nationwide genderless movement.
When Target caught on to Melgaard's activity and removed his posts from its page, the troll compiled screenshots of the Ask ForHelp posts into a photo album on his personal Facebook page.
Customers expressed outrage.
Ex-customers pledged allegiance to Walmart.
Unfortunately for defectors, Ask ForHelp insisted they would not be missed.
Bob Clark proved he wasn't about to take Ask ForHelp's sh*t.
The faux rep welcomed a DIY rebellion.
He also reminded us no one may judge, lest ye be judged.
Speaking of the Bible, the good book also made an appearance.
For some nestled in the warm bosom of ignorance, the trolling went right over their heads.
During the hysteria over gender-neutral bathroom rumors, one man learned the only valid proof is a screen shot.
One customer was ultimately just worried about finding necessities.
Melgaard since responded in earnest regarding Target's progressive choice via, where else, but Facebook.
On a real note:I remember how easy it was as a child to be socially influenced by my peers and the adults around me. ... Posted by Mike Melgaard on Friday, August 14, 2015
The schemer applauded the department store's decision, asserting,
Everyone thinks this is about politics and being politically correct. F*ck politics. This is about letting children BE CHILDREN. Kudos to Target for recognizing this.
Though Melgaard lost any chance of a future career in customer service, he lives to troll another day.
Citations: http://mashable.com/2015/08/13/target-customer-service-troll/?utm_cid=mash-com-Tw-main-link (Mashable), Man Poses as Target on Facebook to Hilariously Troll Angry Customers (TIME)