4 People To Avoid On Social Media During Election Season
'Tis the season for the presidential election. In less than one month, our country will be voting to elect a leader that will have a large impact on our future.
Though this decision will effect all citizens of the US, it will have an astronomical effect on millennials and the generations that follow. With this election in particular, it's no secret there are large concerns about our Republican and Democratic nominees.
There are those who have chosen a side, and then, there are those who are standing here, scratching our heads, wondering how in the hell we got here and where we're supposed to go now.
Now, personally, I won't voice my opinion on social media — not to a serious extent, at least. I may post a funny jab or a witty meme I find all too relatable, but what I'm saying is, I won't go “all out” with voicing my opinion, but you'll have a pretty solidified idea of whom I'm voting for, and I try to leave it at that.
Every presidential-election year, social media is fueled with the world's most annoying people.
But alas, every presidential-election year, social media is fueled with the world's most annoying people. And it's usually because of these elections that my social media “friends, but not really friends” list slowly decreases.
Why, you ask? Well, if you have any sort of social media outlet at all, I'm sure you'll recognize a few, if not all, of these people you'll delete when it comes time to vote for our next president.
The Flip-Flopper
The flip-flopper is the most frustrating culprit of them all because they can't seem to pick a side or political party (That is, if they even know who is running for president at all).
They will repost, retweet, share statuses and talk about how much they support one candidate or belief, and the next thing you know, they'll quickly switch to promoting another belief that's actually endorsed by the other candidate.
The flip-flopper is the most frustrating culprit of them all because they can't seem to pick a side.
They can't stick to a solid decision, but they will pretend to know everything they are talking about. These people get deleted faster than Hillary's emails.
The All-Talk, No-Action
They will comment and post away about their views and how right they are. They will cut down any view you hold in opposition, and even after the election, they will continue to complain.
These are also the people who were “too busy to vote,” “couldn't get off of work” or one of the other excuses they will make up as to why they decided not to cast a ballot. (Hello? It's called an absentee ballot.)
Regardless, these people don't take the time to be a functioning, contributing member of society, so I don't take my time being their friend and/or follower.
The Tunnel Vision
I mean, you likely already know "The Tunnel Visions" are the extremists — the ones that have a view, an opinion and are always right. Their candidate can do no wrong and is clearly the only choice.
I vote these people get kicked off the internet. They are what's wrong with politics because they leave no room for compromise. Usually, they've always voted the same way and will quickly dismiss any sort of progress or change.
You likely already know "The Tunnel Visions" are the extremists. Their candidate can do no wrong.
If you come across one of these people, do what you can to avoid them. It will be the quickest way to lose patience, and the argument will have no winner.
The Oblivious
This one's self-explanatory. These people are the ones who act like they have an opinion but have no evidence to support their claims. They are either willfully uneducated, refuse to vote or they vote without having a solid foundation on which they base their decisions.
Sometimes, they can be spotted as the person voting a certain way because of their friends, or their loved ones, or they only watch one news station that supports only one candidate. No one has time for this kind of negligence, especially with the candidates we are facing in November.
To everyone educated and involved this election, see you at the polls.
I'm sure this list could go on, but that would be more annoying than Trump talking over Clinton at every debate.
To all my friends who survived my friends list this voting season, congratulations. And to everyone educated and involved this election, see you at the polls.