
Ivanka Trump's Newest White House Project Is Here, And It's All About Jobs
by John Haltiwanger
Mark Wilson/Getty Images
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday that aims to expand apprenticeships and job-training programs in order to fill vacant jobs.
Ivanka Trump will reportedly be working closely with her father on this issue.
The move cuts back the Department of Labor's role in making and overseeing apprenticeship programs and gives more freedom to companies and schools.
Speaking on the order from the Roosevelt Room, the president said,
We have regulations upon regulations, and in history nobody has gotten rid of so many regulations as the Trump administration. So we're empowering these companies, these unions, industry groups, federal agencies to go out and create new apprenticeships for millions of our citizens.
Elaborating on the executive order, a senior White House official told Politico,
The Department of Labor to date has been very prescriptive and very restrictive on the apprenticeship programs, but the Department of Labor is not an expert as to various individual sectors and what the qualifications are. So we're going to let the industry put forth its proposals as to what should make up a high-quality apprenticeship program. But the Department of Labor still sits over and above it and still adjudicates it at the end of the day.
An official said both Ivanka Trump and the president will "use the bully pulpit of the White House... to maintain a focus on this issue," CNN reports.
The new program the president and his daughter are promoting doubles the amount of money that goes toward apprenticeship programs from $90 to $200 million.
This is very different from President Trump's proposed budget, which calls for a 36 percent cut to Labor Department job training programs overall.
Expanding apprenticeships is an issue that has bipartisan support, but it's going to take a lot more universally-supported actions for President Trump to gain the trust of virtually any Democrats on a wide array of issues.