Man 'Obsessed' With His 18-Inch Penis Refuses To Get Reduction
Humans are rather strange creatures.
Some guy named Roberto Esquivel Cabrera from Saltillo, Mexico is the owner of the world's biggest penis. Reports state the man's member has been recorded at a length of "18.9 inches when flaccid."
I'll give you some time to get that scarring mental image wiped from your dirty, little mind.
As a dude, part of growing up means figuring out how big your dick is actually going to be. Are you going to be "the man" or are you going to be an utter disappointment? Time will tell.
For 54-year-old Cabrera, however, the man couldn't wait. He had to take matters into his own hands and physically manipulate the size of his man parts.
In a recent interview regarding Roberto Cabrera, Dr. Jesus David Salazar-Gonzalez spoke to Barcroft TV, saying,
He was obsessed with the penis length. He began with this enlargement since he was a teenager, wrapping some bands around his penis with some weights and trying to stretch it.
Ouch. That sounds painful and completely unnecessary. Apparently, Roberto's doctors agree because they suggested he get a penis reduction so he can fully enjoy life. Of course, he just wants to have "a penis bigger than the rest of the people."
Dr. Gonzalez revealed,
We have advised him 'Roberto, the best thing for you is that the doctors give a normal shape to your penis so that it doesn't hurt you, in order to have sexual relationships, in order to have children.' But he doesn't accept it, he'd rather have a penis bigger than the rest of the people.
It's true. Roberto doesn't give a shit about the normal life he could be living if he just went through with the reduction. Instead, he just wants to possess a non-functional member he can brag about.
He admits,
I am famous because I have the biggest penis in the world. I am happy with my penis, I know nobody has the size I have.
The 54-year-old man lived in the United States in the past, but ran into trouble with the law when he exposed himself to underage girls. As a result, Cabrera was convicted on a felony assault charge, according to Complex.
After being extradited back in 2001, the man says he wishes to return to the United States, find a woman to settle down with and eventually become a porn star,
I am happy with my penis and I wish to go back to the US and spend the rest of my life over there. The people are not like over here, they are more liberal. They don't care about what I have in my pants.
Like I said, humans are rather strange creatures!
Citations: Man With 18-Inch Penis Refuses to Get a Reduction (Complex)