
Mom Caught Trying To Hire Hitman To Murder Father Of Her Kids In Disturbing Video

by Oliver McAteer
FOX 17

A mother has been caught red-handed on a dashcam trying to hire a hitman to hurt and possibly kill the father of her three kids.

Kristina Johnston, 28, didn't realize she was talking to an undercover cop during the sting in Michigan.

The video, obtained by FOX 17 with a Freedom of Information Act request, shows Johnston chatting openly about having the hitman murder the 29-year-old man.

Ionia County

In part of the 30-minute clip, recorded back in November, the undercover cop can be heard saying,

It depends on what you want. If you just want me to hurt him, obviously that's not going to cost that much.

Johnston says "OK," before the cop continues,

And that removes him at least temporarily, do you know what I mean?
FOX 17

The mother, who previously claimed her husband had been abusive toward her and her children, calmly says,

And then I'll have to hire you again to finish the job... then I'll do that. If I did do that, I don't know how I would live with myself and my kids... doing that. But it would have be... let's try something first, and then I'll pay you for that... and then if he don't get off my fucking back or do something then it's going to be the second... definitely.

The pair arranged to meet up the following day to exchange money -- the vital piece of evidence cops needed to charge her with solicitation of murder.

FOX 17

The sting was orchestrated after a tip off from someone close to the couple.

Detective Phillip Hesche told Wood TV,

To qualify for a solicitation of murder charge, you have to actually have a money transfer or any offer of money being transferred. When children are involved in this case, it looked like it may have been spurred mostly by custody.

She is currently in jail on a $50,0000 bond.

Citations: Dashboard video shows woman's attempt to hire a hitman (FOX 17), Deputies: Woman tried to hire hit man to kill kids' father (Wood TV)