
Man Catches Pizza Hut Staff 'Having Sex' In Empty Restaurant On FB Live

by Harley Tamplin

Right. Bear with me here, because this is really, really weird.

A man managed to get inside a completely empty Pizza Hut in the UK -- only to find two workers having sex.

That's what he claims he saw, anyway.

Ace Brown started filming on Facebook Live when he got inside the empty diner in Bristol, England, and the clip starts off like some sort of terrible horror movie.

After roaming through the deserted kitchen and eventually bumping into the employees -- who are wearing their work uniforms - he repeatedly accuses them of "beating," which is slang for sex.

But the female worker angrily denies his allegations, telling him the store is closed and threatening to call the police.


Yeah, I don't know WTF is going on either.

Anyway, the police are now involved and are investigating the video, apparently.


Brown starts the bizarre video by addressing the camera, saying,

We've come to Pizza Hut and there's no one in here! Look.

He walks through the restaurant shouting "hello," but the mood changes when he finds the workers and realizes they aren't making dough.

He says,

What are you doing in there? Are you two beating in there? I was going to call the police to make sure you two were OK.

Brown maintains he was looking out for the welfare of the employees -- but keeps accusing them of "beating."


This is denied by the female worker, who explains they were counting money, before asking him to delete the video and marching them out of the store.

A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said officers are "aware of a related video on social media and will be looking in to the circumstances."

But a spokesperson for Pizza Hut denied the couple were getting up to anything raunchy. A statement read,

We are aware of this video and can confirm that there is absolutely no truth in the allegations made in the film regarding our team members. The individual made his way through the Hut to where employees were closing up the restaurant and was subsequently escorted off the premises.

We don't know what to believe!

Citations: Daily Star