
Heartbreaking Pics Show Sherri Papini In Public For First Time Since Abduction

by Joseph Milord

Formerly missing mom Sherri Papini was photographed for the first time since being found on Thanksgiving Day.

In photos that were taken on Saturday, according to, Sherri's expression was far from upbeat as she and husband Keith Papini are shown exiting their home in Redding, California, along with their two children.

The photos emerge less than two months after the 34-year-old mother was found on the side of the road in the Sacramento area, 150 miles south of her Redding home.


When she was discovered, it was seemingly by chance. A woman had been driving along the road at a speed over 70 miles per hour at around 4:30 am, according to MSNBC, and was barely able to catch a glimpse of the blonde woman in distress while passing.

The driver, Allison Sutton, told MSNBC she kept on driving but called the police to tell them exactly where she was.


Sutton told MSNBC,

I saw her very, very quickly. Her face looked -- I thought her face was dirty, but based on what I know now, I'm guessing that what I thought was dirt on her face was the bruises.

In the latest photos of Papini, those bruises appear to have gone away, but the search for the suspects she described has not been completed as quickly.

The description pointed to her abduction being carried out by two Hispanic women, but police have yet to find matches for them.

That lack of success on the police's part, combined with the strange circumstances under which Papini disappeared and the idea her captors would drop her off on the side of a road, highlight the oddity of the case.

Lisa Jeter, a friend of the Papinis, told The Guardian,

Everything about this is crazy, it has no rhyme or reason. We live in a city of 100,000-plus people, but everyone is a degree away from this. Sherri was out jogging, doing a normal activity, the kind of thing most of us might be doing.

Judging by how complex this story is, we won't know the rhyme or reason anytime soon.

As for the newly taken photos, they were likely shot outside of a new home as the Papinis reportedly moved out of their previous house so Sherri could recover from the traumatic experience.
