Political Romance
CAMBRIDGE, MA - SEPTEMBER 26: Elizabeth Warren and her husband, Bruce Mann, and their golden retriev...

Elizabeth Warren's Anniversary Gift From Her Husband Is So Cute I'm Dying

It’s seriously bigger than she is!

by Rhyma Castillo
Boston Globe/Boston Globe/Getty Images

Let’s be real: When it comes to birthdays, anniversaries, and romantic holidays, you don’t have to go all-out to make an impression. I mean, how hard is it to run by the grocery store to pick up a dozen flowers for someone you love on their special day? No, I’m not being bitter, I’m just stating facts. But evidently, one of the most prominent politicians on Capitol Hill has a partner who’s already ahead of the game: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's anniversary gift from her husband is so cute, and her tweet about it is absolutely adorable.

“My sweetie never forgets,” Warren wrote in a July 12 tweet. In the accompanying photo, she’s posed holding a heavy-looking vase with an absolutely gigantic bouquet of flowers. “One rose for each year,” she added. “Happy Anniversary, Bruce!

Warren and her husband, Harvard Law School professor Bruce H. Mann, have been married since July 1980, so there’s gotta be at least 41 roses in that vase. All I can think is, wow, those flowers are gorgeous, but does she need help holding that bouquet? It’s seriously bigger than she is.

Apparently, Warren didn’t just marry Mann for his generosity and thoughtfulness — there were, uh, other reasons. According to her 2014 memoir, A Fighting Chance, the pair met through work at a Florida law conference. "A lot of people might think that two young law professors would be drawn together because they wanted to talk about law all the time,” Warren wrote. “Nope: I fell in love with Bruce because he had great legs," she continued. However, her husband notes that while the spark was instant for him, it took some time for Warren to really notice him.

“I saw this woman talking to someone, and I was just captivated,” Mann said in a 2012 interview with The Boston Globe. “I just walked right over. She barely noticed me. It took a couple of days.”

Well, it’s a good thing Mann used those “great legs” (as Warren put it) to walk right toward her, because now — 41 years later — he’s using his great heart to give the senator from Massachusetts one adorable anniversary gift.