
Teen Unintentionally Tweets Pictures Of Nirvana's First Show In 1987

by Madeline Concannon

Maggie Poukkula recently tweeted photos she found of her dad performing with Kurt Cobain.

When Poukkula initially discovered the photos in one of her dad's books, she thought they were just cool parts of her father's history.

However, the photos actually have cultural significance as they document the first gig Nirvana played.

Back in 1987, the group played in her dad's basement where he joined them in playing two Led Zeppelin songs.

The tweet quickly received a lot of positive feedback.


Rolling Stone even asked to interview her because of her discovery.


In an interview with the magazine, she said,

I had no idea that those were during Nirvana's first concert. My dad showed me them a while back, but he never mentioned that's what was going on in the photos. I found out because of all the articles. I didn't realise it was such a historical thing. I thought they were just cool pictures of my dad and Kurt jamming together.

Maggie's dad, Tony Poukkula, went to high school with Kurt Cobain and frequently played with the iconic rockstar.

Apparently, he is even mentioned in the band's biography.

Citations: Teen unknowingly tweets photos of Nirvanau2019s first ever gig in 1987 (Metro )