Everyone's Freaking Out Over Drake Dancing In The 'Hotline Bling' Video
The video for “Hotline Bling” was released Monday on Apple Music, and Drake's moves are drawing more attention than any video girl or fancy turtleneck sweater ever could.
It looks as though the rapper walked onto set and Director X told him, "Hey bud, just warm up, get acquainted with the space. We're not shooting yet, don't worry," before secretly rolling cameras and using Drizzy's home-alone-with-no-pants dance for the final cut.
Drunk Drake teetered around the set.
Wedding Drake waited for another guest to initiate conversation.
Mom Drake was having a darn good time, kiddos.
Mexican Grandma Drake would like some more flautas, por favor.
Frozone Drake wondered, “WHERE'S MY SUPERSUIT???”
Baby Drake brought back the 90s swing.
For the most part, everyone was supportive of Drizzy's endeavor into dad dancing.
There's a solid chance this video will start a beloved, albeit awkward, dance revolution.
Dance on, Drake, you wild, majestic Pegasus of a man. Let the sky be your limit; you have forever changed the world of public dance with your private moves.
Check out the video below to memorize Drizzy's sweet body poetry yourself.
Citations: Drake's Dancing in ''Hotline Bling'' Has Taken Over the Internet—See the Tweets! (E! Online)